Describe the teachings of Jesus on the sermon on the plain on how human beings should relate to one another


(a)Describe the teachings of Jesus on the sermon on the plain on how human beings should relate
to one another.
(b)Give a description of the incident in which Jesus forgave the sinful woman
(c)why should Christians should ask for forgiveness from God



(i)Human beings should love one another / their enemies.
(ii)They should practice sharing / help others
(iii)They should be merciful| to each other.
(iv)They not judge / condemn others.
(v)They forgive one another / not to revenge.
(vi)Pray for those who wrong them
vii)They should not discriminate against one another.
(i)Jesus had been invited by a Pharisee for dinner.
(ii)While he was at the table a sinful woman came with an alabaster flask of ointment.
iii)She stood at Jesus' feet weeping and wet his feet with her tears.
(iv)She used her hair to wipe the feet of Jesus,
(v)She kissed the feet of Jesus
(vi)She then anointed the feet of Jesus with the ointment.
(vii)The Pharisee who had invited Jesus questioned in his heart whether Jesus was a prophet
(viii)Jesus knew the thoughts of Simon and told him the parable of the creditor and the two debtors .
(ix)Jesus asked Simon who of the two debtors would love the creditor more
(x)Simon said the debtor with more debt would lovethe creditor more
(xi)He told simon that the woman had shown much love because her many sins had been forgiven .
(xii)Jesus then told the woman that her sins had been forgiven
(xiii)The other guests began to question who Jesus was to have the power to forgive sins
(xv)Jesus told the woman that her faith had saved her.
(xvi)He told her to go in peace


(i)To be at peace with God

(ii)To show obedience to the teachings of Jesus
(iii)To improve their relationship with others
(iv)It gives them confidence to serve God
(v)To acknowledge their weakness / a sign of humility
(vi)It shows their desire to lead a righteous life
(vii)It is a sign of appreciation of God's mercy
(viii)It is a way of self reproach
(ix)It is a demonstration of their faith in God
(x)so as to be forgiven by God
Vicky001 answered the question on September 19, 2017 at 17:35

Next: (a)What took place when Mary visited Elizabeth. (b). What do Christians learn from the lives of Zechariah and Elizabeth.
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