'Kutula republic is a reflection of African states that are ruled by an iron fist.'Support this statement basing your argument on the play, Inheritance by...


'Kutula republic is a reflection of African states that are ruled by an iron fist.'Support this statement basing your argument on the play, Inheritance by David Mulwa.



Failure to obey the regime's inhumane commands leads to loss of jobs. Bengo, an anti-government activist was a big thorn to the dictatorial regime of Kutula. To silence him forever, his brother Judah Zen Mehlo who was working for the government, was asked to eliminate him. He disobeyed this order. As a result, Judah lost his job
The ruling regime causes bodily harm to political dissidents. When Judah disobeyed Lacuna's order to kill his brother Bengo, he was tortured and his mangled body was dumped at the doorstep of his house.

His life was saved by Dr. Jonathan who was nearby. Kutula republic is headed by a murderous leader. The day that Lacuna was coroneted, many people mysteriously disappeared because they grumbled that a wrong leader, Lacuna, was being crowned. Lulu also describes Lacuna as a murderer.

Lacuna spends a lot of money on unnecessary ceremonies like the commemoration of his father, a former leader of Kutula who led it to shambles. Ironically, majority of Kutula's citizens are impoverished.

marto answered the question on August 27, 2019 at 06:11

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    A long, long time ago, there was a man and his wife. They had built their hut in the middle of the forest but they had fenced round the homestead to keep wild animals from entering the compound. Now this man used to go to the smithy to join the other smiths in ironwork. This time, when he went, he left his wife heavy with child.

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    Said the dove, “let me eat my fill and then you can send me wherever you want. The dove ate until she had had enough.

    “Where do you want to send me?”
    “Go to the smithy and when you see the smiths ,sing these words:

    Mutuiuukutuaisaangalalai x2
    Avyuviiawaniyiimu iii saangalalai
    Yisikuyanakwivua iii
    (Blacksmith smithing on your iron x 2
    Your wife has given birth
    Assisted by an ogre
    Which eats all it has prepared)
    And the dove went to the smiths and sang the song:
    Blacksmith smithing on your iron x 2
    Your wife has given birth
    Assisted by an ogre
    Which eats all it has prepared.

    What is this thing – of a – bird saying, disturbing our work?” said one man throwing a stone at the dove. But the dove perched herself on another tree and sang again.
    Blacksmith smithing on your iron x 2
    Your wife has given birth
    Assisted by an ogre
    Which eats all it has prepared.
    This time the men said;
    “Haiya, perhaps this bird has a message for us. Who of us left his wife heavy with a child?”
    Said one man, “I left my wife heavy.”
    “Eei, take your things. Go home. This message might be yours. Your wife might have given birth and she is in danger.”

    At home, the ogre was still tormenting the woman. He used to go to the shamba, dig out the sweet potatoes, prepare them and offer them to her when they were already in his mouth, “Woman with child take this. You don’t want it, I’ll eat it for you.”
    One day when the sun stood in the middle of the compound, her husband arrived from the smithy. He hid himself in the darkest corner of the hut and awaited the ogre. When the ogre arrived he cooked, ate all the food and slept on the naked floor. From his mouth came green, yellow and red foam that was a sign that he was fast asleep.

    It was then that the blacksmith came down and speared him through and through until he was dead. Then the man and his wife moved and built a new home in another place.

    a) Classify the above narrative and give a reason for your classification.

    b) In the story, what shows that the ogre never intended to share the food with the woman?

    c) Discuss any two features in the story that qualify it as a traditional oral narrative.

    d) With an illustration for each, describe two character traits of the ogre

    e) Of what use is the song in the story?

    f) What is the livelihood of the people from which this story is derived?

    g) What moral lesson do you learn from this story?

    Date posted: August 19, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Read the oral narrative below and answer the questions that follow.(Solved)

    Read the oral narrative below and answer the questions that follow.

    There was once only one wise being in all the world, and that was Kwaku Ananse, the spider .But Kwaku Ananse wished to keep all this wisdom to himself.
    One day, bored with having to stay and guard his wisdom all day, Kwaku Ananse decided to store it away and hide it in a safe place. So he called his wife, Aso, and asked her to make him a big pot into which he could put all his wisdom.
    Aso went down to the riverbank and collected clay .She carefully made a big pot - a great pot with a narrow opening at the top so it could be easily sealed. Then she put the pot out in the sun to bake, and with the remainder of the clay, fashioned a stopper.
    When the pot was finished, Aso took it to her husband, who, after making sure that there were no cracks in it, gathered together all his wisdom and pushed it well down into the pot .He covered it with some cocoa-yam leaves, then put in the stopper and tied it on with some strong twine

    Now Kwaku Ananse had decided to hide the pot way up in the branches of a huge, silk-cotton tree that grew some distance away in the forest .It was over three metres wide, and the spikes on its trunk would stop all but the most intrepid spiders from climbing it.
    Carrying the pot in front of him, he made his way through the forest, followed – unbeknown - by his small son, Ntikuma. At last he reached the great tree and started to attempt to climb it. He hung the pot by a rope around his neck, with the stopper just below his nose so he could make quite sure it did not tip over.
    Alas, try as he would ,KwakuAnanse could not climb the tree ,for the pot kept getting in the way of his arms and he found he was unable to grip the trunk .He tried ,and tried, and tried, but with no success.
    He grew hot and sticky and started to swear angrily.
    Now, Ntikuma was watching his father from behind a tree, puzzled by his curious antics. At last, when Kwaku Ananse’s swearing grew really bad, he could stand it no longer and came up to his father timidly.
    “Surely my father”, he said, “If you wish to take that pot up the tree you should tie it to your back, not your front. Then your hands would be free.”

    Ananse was furious. Here was his small son teaching him a lesson – a lesson which he realized was only too true. Shaking with anger and exhaustion, he lifted the pot intending to take it off and chastise his son .His hands were slippery with sweat and the great pot was heavy. It slipped through his fingers and crashed to the ground. The pot burst open and the contents were scattered far and wide .There was a storm coming, and the wind swept through the forest, lifting the wisdom and carrying it on its way. The rain poured down and swept the wisdom into the steams, which carried it into the sea .Thus wisdom spread throughout the world.

    (a) Giving a reason, identify the sub-genre of the above narrative.

    b)Why did Kwaku Ananse decide to hide his wisdom?

    c)How did Ananse make sure that his wisdom was safe in the pot ?

    d)Why was it difficult for Ananse to climb the tree with the pot?

    e)Identify and illustrate one character trait of each of the following as brought out in the above narrative:
    (i)Kwaku Ananse -

    ii)Aso -

    (f) What two aspects of this narrative qualify it as oral?

    (g) Identify and illustrate one economic activity of the community from which this narrative was taken

    h)Which is the suitable audience for this story and why?

    Date posted: August 19, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Read the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow.(Solved)

    Read the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow.

    Rank: Is there anything wrong?
    Nora: No, no, not in the least. It is only something it is my new dress —
    Rank: What? Your new dress is lying there.
    Nora: Oh, yes, that one; butthis is another. I ordered it. Torvald mustn't know about it —
    Rank: Oho! Then that was the great secret.
    Nora: Of course. Just go in to him; he is sitting in the inner room, Keep him as long as—
    Rank: Make your kind easy; I won't let him escape. (Goes into HELMER'S room)
    Nora: (to the MAID) And he is standing waiting in the kitchen?
    Maid: Yes, he came up the back stairs.
    Nora: But didn't you tell him no one was in?
    Maid: Yes, but it was no good.
    Nora: He won't go away?
    Maid: No; he says he won't until he has seen you, ma'am.
    Nora: Well, let him come in —but quietly. Hellen, you mustn't say anything about it to anyone. It is a surprise for my husband.
    Maid: Yes, ma'am, i quite understand. (Exit)
    Nora: This dreadful thing is going to happen! It will happen in spite of me! No, no, no, it can't happen — it shan't happen! (She bolts the door of HELMER'S room. The MAID opens the hall door for KROGSTAD and shuts it after him. He is wearing a fur coat, high boots and a furcap.)
    Nora: (advancing towards him) Speak low — my husband is at home.
    Krogstad: No matter about that.
    Nora: What do you want of me?
    Krogstad: An explanation of something
    Nora: Make haste then. What is it?
    Krogstad: You know, I suppose, that I have got my dismissal.
    Nora: I couldn't prevent it, Mr. Krogstade I fought as hard as a I could on your side, but it was no good.
    Krogstad: Does your husband love you so little, then? He knows what I can expose you to, and yet he ventures —
    Nora: How can you suppose that he has any knowledge of the sort?


    a) Place the excerpt in its immediate context.

    b) What is it that Nora claims to be another that she ordered? What does it reveal about her character trait?

    c) This dreadful thing is going to happen! What is it that Nora fears will happen?

    d) What character trait of Nora is brought outin the excerpt?

    e) What is the presentation of Rank in the excerpt?

    f) What major theme comes out in the excerpt?

    g) What is the meaning of the following words as used in the excerpt?

    Date posted: August 19, 2019.  Answers (1)