Resian, the daughter of Ole Kaelo and Mama Milanoi, faces a number of challenges in life. She does not relent. Her undeterred determination drives her to victory as illustrated below.
Oloisudori shows interest in marrying Resian, after changing his plan of extorting money from Ole Kaelo. Resian learns through Joseph that he is a poacher, an extortionist and a hired assassin. He demands that she must undergo female circumcision. Resian, however, isdetermined to pursue higher education at Egerton University. Oloisudori showers her with gifts but she cleverly repackages them and returns them to him. When Oloisudori reveals his wish to marry Resian, she tells him off and storms out of the house. Ole Kaelo confirms that he intends to marry her off to Oloisudori and has no plan to enroll her for University studies. Resian openly disagrees with Ole Kaelo on the issue of her planned marriage to Oloisudori. Her father slaps her twice but this does not change her perception towards Oloisudori.
During their early days in Nasila, Resian and Taiyo take a walk around their neighbourhood. They are suddenly accosted by a tall burly man. He gets hold of Taiyo. Resian orders him to release her sister. He obeys her command but promises to attack them in future besides referring to them as indecent women just because they were uncircumcised.
When Olarinkoi escaped with Resian, he took her to a desolate house. He leaves her with foodstuffs and orders her to cook them. Tired Resian falls asleep and forgets to cook. Oloisudori returns drank late in the night. He gets angry after learning that Resian had not cooked food. He attempts to rape her but Resian, though weak and tired, fights back by biting his thumb. Resian's act of courage and determination shields her from rape.
Resian is determined to acquire higher education at Egerton University. She keeps on asking her sister to persuade their father to get them admitted to the University. At one point, Resian asks her father if he will get them enrolled at Egerton University. vehemently rejects the idea of his daughters acquiring higher education and insists Resian must get married to old Oloisudori. Resian escapes from her home in the company of Olarinkoi who later turns out to be cruel.
She does not give up on her quest to acquire higher education. She later meets, Minik, her role model who assists Taiyo and her to secure admission at Egerton University.
In conclusion, Resian's determination helps her to overcome various challenges.
marto answered the question on August 27, 2019 at 06:17
- 'Family members play a pivotal role in one's life.' Basing your argument on Kino in the novel, The Pearl by John Steinbeck, validate this statement....(Solved)
'Family members play a pivotal role in one's life.' Basing your argument on Kino in the novel, The Pearl by John Steinbeck, validate this statement.
Date posted: August 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- 'Kutula republic is a reflection of African states that are ruled by an iron fist.'Support this statement basing your argument on the play, Inheritance by...(Solved)
'Kutula republic is a reflection of African states that are ruled by an iron fist.'Support this statement basing your argument on the play, Inheritance by David Mulwa.
Date posted: August 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- Drawing illustrations from the story, Memories We Lost by Lidudumalingani Mqomboti in the anthology Memories We Lost and Other Stories, write an essay on the...(Solved)
Drawing illustrations from the story, Memories We Lost by Lidudumalingani Mqomboti in the anthology Memories We Lost and Other Stories, write an essay on the effects of mental illness.
Date posted: August 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- 'Change is inevitable in any society.' Validate this statement with illustrations from the novel, Blossoms of the Savannah by Henry Ole Kulet. (Solved)
'Change is inevitable in any society.' Validate this statement with illustrations from the novel, Blossoms of the Savannah by Henry Ole Kulet.
Date posted: August 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- 'The more things change, the more they remain the same.' Using illustrations from the play Inheritance by David Mulwa, write a composition to support this...(Solved)
'The more things change, the more they remain the same.' Using illustrations from the play Inheritance by David Mulwa, write a composition to support this statement.
Date posted: August 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- Drawing illustrations from the short story Light by Lesley Nneka in the anthology, Memories We Lost and Other Stories write an essay on the challenges...(Solved)
Drawing illustrations from the short story Light by Lesley Nneka in the anthology, Memories We Lost and Other Stories write an essay on the challenges that single male parents face when bringing up their daughters.
Date posted: August 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- 'Choices have consequences.' Justify this statement with reference to The Pearl by John Steinbeck(Solved)
'Choices have consequences.' Justify this statement with reference to The Pearl by John Steinbeck
Date posted: August 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- 'Blood is thicker than water.' Drawing illustrations from the novel, Blossoms of the Savannah by Henry Ole Kulet, support the above statement. (Solved)
'Blood is thicker than water." Drawing illustrations from the novel, Blossoms of the Savannah by Henry Ole Kulet, support the above statement.
Date posted: August 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- Greed is an inherent trait of most Africans in absolute power." With reference to the play Inheritance by David Mulwa, validate this statement.(Solved)
Greed is an inherent trait of most Africans in absolute power." With reference to the play Inheritance by David Mulwa, validate this statement.
Date posted: August 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- Drawing illustrations from the short story Hitting Budapest by No Violet Bulawayo, in the anthology, Memories We Lost and Other Stories, write an essay on...(Solved)
Drawing illustrations from the short story Hitting Budapest by No Violet Bulawayo, in the anthology, Memories We Lost and Other Stories, write an essay on the devastating effects of poverty.
Date posted: August 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- 'Human beings are naturally opportunistic.' Justify this statement with close reference to The Pearl by John Steinbeck. (Solved)
'Human beings are naturally opportunistic.' Justify this statement with close reference to The Pearl by John Steinbeck.
Date posted: August 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- 'Never judge a book by its cover.' Using illustrations from the play, A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen, support this statement.(Solved)
'Never judge a book by its cover.' Using illustrations from the play, A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen, support this statement.
Date posted: August 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- Close relationship with leaders can make one to commit a crime with impunity. Drawing illustrations from the play, Inheritance by David Mulwa, support this statement.(Solved)
Close relationship with leaders can make one to commit a crime with impunity. Drawing illustrations from the play, Inheritance by David Mulwa, support this statement.
Date posted: August 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- 'Religious hypocrisy leads to exploitation of the vulnerable.' Justify this statement with illustrations from the short story, the Folded Leafing the anthology Memories We Lost...(Solved)
'Religious hypocrisy leads to exploitation of the vulnerable.' Justify this statement with illustrations from the short story, the Folded Leafing the anthology Memories We Lost and Other Stories.
Date posted: August 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- Determination is the driving force that helps Kino and Juana overcome misfortunes. Write an essay to support this statement with close reference to the Pearl...(Solved)
Determination is the driving force that helps Kino and Juana overcome misfortunes. Write an essay to support this statement with close reference to the Pearl by John Steinbeck.
Date posted: August 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- 'Money is the source of all evil." Support this statement with illustrations from the play, A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen. (Solved)
'Money is the source of all evil.' Support this statement with illustrations from the play, A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen.
Date posted: August 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- 'What goes around comes around.' Using illustrations from the play, Inheritance by David Mulwa, justify this statement.(Solved)
'What goes around comes around.' Using illustrations from the play, Inheritance by David Mulwa, justify this statement.
Date posted: August 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- "War is ugly." Drawing illustrations from the short story, The President by Mariatu Kamara in the anthology Memories We Lost and Other Stories, validate this...(Solved)
"War is ugly." Drawing illustrations from the short story, The President by Mariatu Kamara in the anthology Memories We Lost and Other Stories, validate this statement.
Date posted: August 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- Despite colonisation, the Kino's strongly hold onto their traditional faith. Validate this statement with reference to 'The Pearl' by John Steinbeck. (Solved)
Despite colonisation, the Kino's strongly hold onto their traditional faith. Validate this statement with reference to 'The Pearl' by John Steinbeck.
Date posted: August 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow.(Solved)
Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow.
A long, long time ago, there was a man and his wife. They had built their hut in the middle of the forest but they had fenced round the homestead to keep wild animals from entering the compound. Now this man used to go to the smithy to join the other smiths in ironwork. This time, when he went, he left his wife heavy with child.
In this forest, there was a big ogre. As soon as the man went away the ogre came into the compound with a heavy load of firewood. When he brought the load to the compound, he dropped it outside with a big thud of this firewood.
He went inside the hut where he made some porridge. He drank it. To the expectant woman he said, “Woman with child, take this. You don’t want, I shall eat it for you.” And he ate all the porridge. Now this happened everyday for many days and the expectant mother grew as weak as the reeds by the riverside. When the time came for her delivery, the ogre crudely assisted her but he did not give her food.
Now the woman continued to be starved and grew weaker and weaker. She became very worried yet she did not lose heart. Every day she used to spread her castor oil seeds in the sun for she hoped to make oil for the child’s skin.
One day when she had spread her castor oil seeds in the sun, a dove came and helped herself to some seeds. The woman said to her, “You always come here to eat my seeds. Will you go if I send you?”
Said the dove, “let me eat my fill and then you can send me wherever you want. The dove ate until she had had enough.
“Where do you want to send me?”
“Go to the smithy and when you see the smiths ,sing these words:
Mutuiuukutuaisaangalalai x2
Avyuviiawaniyiimu iii saangalalai
Yisikuyanakwivua iii
(Blacksmith smithing on your iron x 2
Your wife has given birth
Assisted by an ogre
Which eats all it has prepared)
And the dove went to the smiths and sang the song:
Blacksmith smithing on your iron x 2
Your wife has given birth
Assisted by an ogre
Which eats all it has prepared.
What is this thing – of a – bird saying, disturbing our work?” said one man throwing a stone at the dove. But the dove perched herself on another tree and sang again.
Blacksmith smithing on your iron x 2
Your wife has given birth
Assisted by an ogre
Which eats all it has prepared.
This time the men said;
“Haiya, perhaps this bird has a message for us. Who of us left his wife heavy with a child?”
Said one man, “I left my wife heavy.”
“Eei, take your things. Go home. This message might be yours. Your wife might have given birth and she is in danger.”
At home, the ogre was still tormenting the woman. He used to go to the shamba, dig out the sweet potatoes, prepare them and offer them to her when they were already in his mouth, “Woman with child take this. You don’t want it, I’ll eat it for you.”
One day when the sun stood in the middle of the compound, her husband arrived from the smithy. He hid himself in the darkest corner of the hut and awaited the ogre. When the ogre arrived he cooked, ate all the food and slept on the naked floor. From his mouth came green, yellow and red foam that was a sign that he was fast asleep.
It was then that the blacksmith came down and speared him through and through until he was dead. Then the man and his wife moved and built a new home in another place.
a) Classify the above narrative and give a reason for your classification.
b) In the story, what shows that the ogre never intended to share the food with the woman?
c) Discuss any two features in the story that qualify it as a traditional oral narrative.
d) With an illustration for each, describe two character traits of the ogre
e) Of what use is the song in the story?
f) What is the livelihood of the people from which this story is derived?
g) What moral lesson do you learn from this story?
Date posted: August 19, 2019. Answers (1)