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'Colonial rule sets the stage for African dictatorship.' Using David Mulwa's Inheritance, justify this statement.


'Colonial rule sets the stage for African dictatorship.' Using David Mulwa's Inheritance, justify this statement.



colonial rule sets the stage for African dictatorship. Lacuna does not want to put up with anyone who criticizes his leadership. He falls out with Robert an imperialist when he criticizes his leadership. Bengo is imprisoned because of opposing Lacuna and his oppressive rule. This sets the stage for his authoritarian rule.


Robert and Goldstein represent the colonialists. They work with the leader, Lacuna because they want to fleece him and his subjects. They make him think that they are for him yet they know his rule is oppressing the people. However, as long as they benefit, they do not care.

The colonialists want to benefit from the people and get as much profit as possible without giving the people much. They advise Lacuna to privatize companies and reduce employment and thus increase the poverty so that the people struggle for basic needs.
They set the stage by giving hefty loans to Lacuna at the expense of the people. The money does not trickle down to the people yet they are the ones forced to pay.

When Lacuna is unable to pay the loan which is now at one hundred and twenty-two billion, he imposes a curfew from dawn to dusk. He then freezes salaries, charges a hundred percent tax on profits and all profit is appropriated to the national kitty for safe custody.

Lacuna's personal accounts are frozen when he is unable to repay the loans and he has to recover the money lost from the citizenry. thus he introduces martial law. He is commander- in-chief and assumes all control. He abolishes all positions except army ranks and fires those who dare oppose him. The colonialists' denial of money makes Lacuna's dictatorial tendencies fully fledged. In a way the people suffer because of Robert and Goldstein.

The natives live in fear because any fallout with Lacuna could lead to their death. They dare not oppose his rule like Bengo and Judah. Bengo is sent to prison for not supporting Lacuna's rule. His brother Judah is exiled after he is almost killed when he refuses to assassinate his brother Bengo for not supporting him. Ihis is true dictatorship where a leader does not want to be opposed and even kills those who dare.

Lacuna knows the people do not like him but he imposes himself on them. During the Commemoration ceremony, he gives a lavish banquet for the colonialists so that they can lend him more money .Ironical, most of the food is imported. Lacuna does not develop the economy but continues to impoverish his people. This is what the colonialists want — to make profit and enslave the natives as they pay the hefty loans. 'the people live in poverty. Tamina lives in a grass thatched house and cannot pay fees for Lulu. She picks coffee on a farm for very little money and cannot make ends meet. This reveals that dictatorship has oppressed then just like the colonialists intended by helping Lacuna impoverish the people.
Lacuna orders that those who resist be shot on sight. Furthermore, he can have anyone he wants. He keeps her confined for a month when she does not accept him for marriage.


Dictatorship by Lacuna is propelled by the imperialists.' They give Lacuna money and then help him to impoverish the people. Lacuna introduces martial law which is authoritarian and which makes Lacuna do as he pleases.

marto answered the question on August 27, 2019 at 07:06

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