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'Lacuna Kasoo is a callous man devoid of any moral values.' Discuss this statement using illustrations from Inheritance by David Mulwa.


'Lacuna Kasoo is a callous man devoid of any moral values.' Discuss this statement using illustrations
from Inheritance by David Mulwa.




Leaders must be people who care about the welfare of the people they lead if they are to win the people's support and allegiance. Lacuna is a man that is immoral and heartless, and who has no morals.


Lacuna is a callous man devoid of any moral values. He asks Judah to kill his brother Bengo who is not on his political side. When Judah refuses, Lacuna sends him away and almost kills him. Later Judah dies in an accident while working. Goldstein says that Lacuna had murdered Judah and it was no accident. He imprisons Bengo for opposing him. During the commemoration ceremony, he spots Lulu and wants to take her forcefully as a wife yet she is young enough to be his daughter. When she refuses, he confines her to the palace for a month, when she asks about the first lady,

Lacuna is quick to talk ill of her to create an illusion of how evil she is yet she is not. He stashes away money in foreign banks as his people suffer and lack basic things like water. He buys the people's farms at very low prices and then employs them for very low wages to work on the same farms as slaves. He takes an even bigger loan to build his popularity yet he knows he has no way of repaying the loan back. He imposes a hundred percent tax charges on companies making profits and introduces martial law to oppress the people and to try to recover the money that the imperialists have withdrawn from his accounts. He introduces a curfew from dusk to dawn and tells his army to shoot on sight those who resist him.

He works with imperialists to oppress his people and gain more money for himself and his cronies and he takes out a second loan though he has no way of repaying it. He only employs people from his clan because he thinks they will be loyal to him and can help him drive his agenda which is to enrich himself at the expense of his subjects. Lacuna buys an aircraft yet his people are dying of hunger. He kills his own father to take leadership. He claims his father ran down the economy as an excuse to legitimize his leadership.


Lacuna is morally corrupt and is a man that only thinks of himself. He does not care that his people suffer because of paying high taxes and that they lack basic needs. All he cares s about is welfare. He is a killer and a murderer who thrives in his corrupt morals

marto answered the question on August 27, 2019 at 07:24

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