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David Mulwa, Inheritance 'It is possible to achieve positive change without violence'. Using David Mulwa's Inheritance, justify this statement


David Mulwa, Inheritance

'It is possible to achieve positive change without violence'. Using David Mulwa's Inheritance, justify this statement




Violence is not the only way that problems can be solved. The citizens and leaders of Kutula rebel without weapons and they are able to remove Lacuna from office. Even the army is amazed that they are advancing to the palace without weapons.


Indeed, it is possible to achieve positive change without violence. Sangoi is a respected leader among the people. Sangoi has told Lacuna that the people will not accept to be evacuated. The people are planning a rebellion against Lacuna and his cronies. Bengo and the leaders do not want to use any weapons unless it is absolutely necessary, they plan to 'fight' with their numbers. They have recruited some men who move among Lacuna's forces and are loyal to him. Bengo tells Sangoi that they plan to accomplish their mission without pain and hate, and without shedding blood. They want to say no to tyranny, instead of war, they choose a leader they can trust and they settle for Sangoi who the people love and admire. They want her to lead them to (c)
Sangoi agrees to lead the people and urges the leaders to withdraw other armed sections of the movement. She prays as they embark on their mission. The plan is to surround the barracks and pen Lacuna's men like animals. The people will release millions of doves to signal peace and resolve. They plan to do everything with love. Lacuna's men are surprised that the people come to the palace without weapons but with their hoes and twigs,

They do, not want to shed blood because Sangoi 'tells them to think of their kinsmen and what they would have to face afterwards if they killed them. The people surround the palace and Lacuna and his men are arrested. No blood is shed. The people embark on rebuilding their country.


It is possible to win a war without violence. What is important is rebuilding the nation as Sangoi and her people demonstrate.

marto answered the question on August 27, 2019 at 07:43

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