'The pursuit of wealth can make one blind to the things that really matter'. With close reference to Kino in The Pearl, show the truth...


'The pursuit of wealth can make one blind to the things that really matter'. With close reference to Kino in The Pearl, show the truth of this statement.




Kino is a man with a happy family and is contented, However, the promise of the wealth the sale of the pearl will bring clouds his thoughts and he is blinded by what is really important. In the process he loses the very things that had given him melodies in his heart.


Kino gets the pearl and he is optimistic about the future. He sees himself being married in church dressed in new clothes and shoes; Coyotito in a sailor suit. He also plans to get a rifle as he is now rich. He sees Coyotito sitting at a little desk in school. Coyotito will have a bright future and he will learn to write and make numbers.

The neighbors say Kino is transfigured as the pearl has given him some power. The power he gets is one that begins to change him into a violent man. He only wants to sell the pearl for a good amount of money and the pearl dealers seem to have ganged up to cheat him of his good fortune. Kino decides to hide the pearl as everyone wants to get a piece of it if not the whole. Juana sees the pearl changing them and she hears the song of evil. She takes the pearl to throw it into the sea and Kino slaps her. He knows that she wants to destroy the only thing that can bring them wealth. The pearl causes Kino to kill a man who tries to rob him of it. He has to leave La Paz as they are threatened by everyone around them. His house burns and his canoe is destroyed, but Kino is determined to make a better life for his family by holding onto the pearl. family escapes but they are followed by trackers who want to steal the pearl. Kino kills the three men but one of the men's guns goes off and kills Coyotito. Kino loses the one thing that was most important to him; his son. He realizes the pearl no longer matters. Kino and Juana go back and throw the pearl into the sea.


In the pursuit of wealth, Coyotito dies and Kino has nothing more to look for he loses the most important thing in his

marto answered the question on August 27, 2019 at 07:57

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