Wanjala Chris (Ed): Memories We Lost and other stories. 'Where there is a will, there is a way.' Justify this statement basing your arguments on...


Wanjala Chris (Ed): Memories We Lost and other stories.

'Where there is a will, there is a way.' Justify this statement basing your arguments on Rolf Schmid's, 'No Need to Lie




Schmid in the story No Need to Lie proves that where there is a will there is a way. He is determined to beat cancer and he does it with a lot of positive thinking, diet and good medical attention.


Schmid is determined to live a healthy life when he turns fifty. He books himself in a spa and begins to eat a healthy diet. He detoxes and soon after he gets a sore throat. At first, he thinks it is tonsillitis but a biopsy revels a cancerous growth in his throat. He has to choose to fight the cancer because his children are his life. He promises to see them grow and he resolves not to let himself die.

He wonders why he has cancer yet he has never smoked a cigarette or drank beer. He is determined to live as he feels he is young, has a wife and has a future.
Doctor Rupani tells him that his survival depends on how he responds to treatment which has to start immediately. He loses a lot of weight. At his lowest, he summons the faces of his children and they become the driving force for his fight for survival.
He keeps telling himself that he cannot die now. He goes through an arduous time feeding through pipes, a painful and tortuous exercise as his mouth and throat have sores. He encourages himself not to stop feeding as it is his way of survival. Even when some of his friends desert him, he is encouraged by those who stay on and help him, even financially. He resolves that he will prove to people cancer
is a disease one fights with strong willpower, food and optimism. He goes through chemotherapy and goes off to play polo. He survives four sessions.
He is told that he has to undergo an operation in Germany. He goes off and through his will survives the surgery. He calls his friends during recovery and expresses his happiness at being alive. He even goes out into Koeinigsalee to walk, but he faints as he is not well. He is driven by his strong will to get better.
He finally goes back to Nairobi cancer free and is given a hero's welcome. His attitude had made him beat the disease and had proven to people that it can be beaten.


Indeed, where there is a will there is a way. With determination and positive thinking, Schmid proves that anyone can survive the most difficult things in life. He beats cancer and lives because he wants to see his children grow up.

marto answered the question on August 27, 2019 at 08:19

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