John Steinbeck: The Pearl 'Man is helpless in the hands of fate.' Write an essay showing the veracity of this statement. Base your arguments...


John Steinbeck: The Pearl

'Man is helpless in the hands of fate.' Write an essay showing the veracity of this statement. Base your arguments on the Pearl by John Steinbeck.




Man is helpless at the hand of fate. There are things that happen to Kino that he cannot control. people in La Paz believe in the power of the gods that one cannot control, they believe that it is the gods who punish them when they choose to follow their hearts and not the way of the gods.


Juana prays for Kino to stumble upon a pearl as it was very rare for a man to get a pearl that was worth much. And as fate would have it, Kino finds the greatest pearl in the world. Kino who was a poor man and who had never stumbled on a pearl of value is now a rich man.

Fate has it that one should remain in the state he or she is born in. Father preaches to the people that they should not try to change their state of poverty. One would lose the pearl if they tried to leave the stations God had positioned them in.
Kino knows that the gods are never happy with the plans of a man. Juana also says that it is wrong to want something too much as it would bring bad luck. In a way as fate would have it, Kino and Juana lose their child and end up throwing the pearl back into the sea.

The neighbors think that Kino should take the thousand pesos he is given as he did not have the money the previous day and he might never come across such money again, Fate plays a role in the death of Coyotito, Kino kills the three men but one of them has a gun that goes off and kills Kino's only child yet Juana and the child are hiding.


There are things in life that Kino has no control on dies yet all he wanted in life was to give the boy a better life than he had. In defending the pearl, he loses his house, livelihood and only child.

marto answered the question on August 27, 2019 at 08:36

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