The flow chart shows some chemical reactions.


The flow chart shows some chemical reactions.

(a) Draw the structural formula and names of the following compounds.

(b) Write the name of the processes that leads to the formation of substances A and F.

(c) Name the type of reaction and conditions required for the formation Step 1

(d) If the relative molecular mass of compound X is 84000 units, determine the value of n (C = 12, H = 1)

(e) Write an equation that leads to the formation of substance E.

(f) State and explain the observation made when substances F and CH2=CH2 are burnt in excess air.



(a) A – Ethyl ethanoate

(b) A – Esterification

B – Hydrogenation
(c) Type of reaction:- Oxidation

Conditions: Acidified potassium manganate or acidified potassium dichromate (VI)



(f) - CH2CH2; Burns with a very sooty flame
- Reason has a double bond hence unsaturated.
- F; Burns with a blue flame/less sooty flame
- Reason: Has C-C single bond hence saturated.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on September 3, 2019 at 11:16

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