a)The dog has broken its leg.
b)Jane is the smallest of the five sisters.
c)Everyone, except the two boys and me, was disqualified.
d)The teacher gave us an ample time.
e)She does not respond to people’s letters.
f)The students pushed their bus when it got stuck in the mud.
g)Please don’t make the class dirty/Please don’t dirty the class.
h)He hung his trousers under the sun.
i)I cannot understand what you are talking about.
j)There are situations in which you need to act with speed or else you’ll face the
k)Our guidance and counselling teacher gives us sound advice.
l)Musau used his foolscap upside down.
m)It is too bad for one to lose his or her pen during exams.
n)He is looking for employment in Nairobi.
o)The exercise comprises rigorous training in the morning/ The exercise is comprised of rigorous training in the morning.
p)Sometime last year, we agreed to improve on our relationship with our neighbours.
q)If I were a surgeon, I would treat the patient.
r)The hungry children entered the dining room.
s)I cannot operate this machine.
t)She likes football as it is superior to hockey.
u)He is looking for employment in Nairobi.
v)If today were a Sunday, I would go to church.
marto answered the question on September 7, 2019 at 10:31
- Distinguish between gerunds and participles in the following sentences. (Solved)
Distinguish between gerunds and participles in the following sentences.
i)They kept me waiting for hours.
ii)Hunting game is banned in this country.
Date posted: September 7, 2019. Answers (1)
- Rewrite the following sentences turning the underlined words into participle phrases.(Solved)
Rewrite the following sentences turning the underlined words into participle phrases.
i. As he had witnessed the crime, he was summoned to give evidence in 120 court.
ii)Now that I have listened to your story, I am more inclined to agree with you
Date posted: September 7, 2019. Answers (1)
- Put the verbs in brackets in the gerund or the to-infinitive.(Solved)
Put the verbs in brackets in the gerund or the to-infinitive.
i. I can’t imagine Peter ....................(go) by bike.
ii. He agreed ...................(buy) a new car.
iii. I look forward to ................ (see) you at the weekend.
Date posted: September 7, 2019. Answers (1)
- Answer the following questions according to the instructions given after each.Do not change the meaning.(Solved)
Answer the following questions according to the instructions given after each.Do not change the meaning.
a) No one likes to be sick. (change the infinitive into a gerund)
b) I saw the giraffe when I was walking to school. (Rewrite using the present participle)
c) The jet circled the town. It scared the residents. (Combine into one sentence using a participle)
d) Many students benefit if they read in the morning. (Rewrite using a gerund)
e) It is bad manners to smoke in a crowded place. (Rewrite using a gerund).
f) The teacher was annoyed by the students. He punished them severely. (rewrite using past participle)
g) The small boy asked for a straw to drink his juice. (Rewrite using "drinking")
Date posted: September 7, 2019. Answers (1)
- Combine the following pairs of sentences using a participle.(Solved)
Combine the following pairs of sentences using a participle.
a) The street Urchin was clobbered. He cried out for mercy.
b) The child was fed and changed. She slept soundly.
c) The police surrounded the gangsters’ house. He shot in the air to scare them away.
d) Jeff was bored of my nagging. He moved out of the house.
e) The President cheered the team. He was excited.
f) The soldiers left the war-torn region. Peace had been restored.
Date posted: September 7, 2019. Answers (1)
- This is the boy. His father is a generous man. (Join into one sentence using a relative pronoun)(Solved)
This is the boy. His father is a generous man. (Join into one sentence using a relative pronoun)
Date posted: September 7, 2019. Answers (1)
- The co- worker is not here today. She always listens to him. (Rewrite as one sentence using 'to whom")(Solved)
The co- worker is not here today. She always listens to him. (Rewrite as one sentence using "to whom")
Date posted: September 7, 2019. Answers (1)
- Fill in the gaps with a suitable relative pronoun(Solved)
Fill in the gaps with a suitable relative pronoun
i. Ten students went in for the contest, none of..................failed.
ii. I haven’t seen Fred..................brother is five for a long time.
iii. The robber stole the car................... the lady parked in front of the supermarket.
Date posted: September 7, 2019. Answers (1)
- Correct the pronoun errors in the following sentences. (Solved)
Correct the pronoun errors in the following sentences.
(i) Our mother won’t like us going home late.
(ii) Please forgive me asking such a personal question.
(iii) I just can’t stand you wanting to stay in such a relationship.
Date posted: September 7, 2019. Answers (1)
- Use the appropriate pronoun to fill the blank spaces. Do not use the pronoun "you".(Solved)
Use the appropriate pronoun to fill the blank spaces. Do not use the pronoun "you".
i) Peter and .......... won our matches.
ii) I wish I were ............
iii) Could it have been ............... at the door?
iv) Jane and .................... are leaving now.
v) Koech runs as fast as .....................
Date posted: September 7, 2019. Answers (1)
- Choose the correct pronoun from the brackets to complete the following sentences.(Solved)
Choose the correct pronoun from the brackets to complete the following sentences.
1.Mr. Kamau and _______________ visited us last year. (he/him/himself)
2. John offered Njoroge and ________________some biscuits. (I/me)
3. Do you think that he is wiser than _________________. (I/me)
4. Walter and _______________ (me, I) wrote the article.
5.How can you be so sure it was______________? (they, them)
6. She knew all about my friend and ............................................................. (I, me)
7. What would you do if you are ............................................................... ? (She / her)
8. David and ...................................................... went to the library. (I, me)
9. The teacher asked Musyoki and .............to do it. (Me, I)
10. It is.............................. (they/them) who assisted the accident victims.
11. William is not as tall as...............................(I, me)
12. Between you and ..........................(me/ I) who is taller?
13. Rose and ........................................... (she/ her) left for Nairobi.
14. The winners are Arendi and................................ (her/ she)
Date posted: September 7, 2019. Answers (1)
- For each of the following sentences, replace the underlined phrasal verb with one word which has the same meaning.(Solved)
For each of the following sentences, replace the underlined phrasal verb with one word which has the same meaning.
i) His performance did not measure up to the expected standards.
ii) It’s not good to walk out on one’s family.
iii) The taxi pulled up at the gate.
iv) The chairperson called off the meeting.
v) The principal said that he could not put up with hooligans in the school.
vi) It is wrong to look down on students from other schools.
vii) Teachers should not give in to their students’ unreasonable demands.
viii) The delegates came up with ten rules to guide our response to globalization.
ix) The rude guest kept breaking in on our conversation.
x) His building project has really eaten into my savings.
xi) The Principal hasn’t managed to win them over yet.
Date posted: September 7, 2019. Answers (1)
- Replace the words in underline with suitable phrasal verbs.(Solved)
Replace the words in underline with suitable phrasal verbs.
(i) The board refused to honour my request.
(ii) The employer was disappointed by the lazy workers.
(iii) The dog attacked the stranger the moment the gate was opened.
(iv) The patient recovered from his injuries sooner than we expected.
(v) Wafula became sick with fever after he was bitten by a mosquito.
(vi) The school programme has been altered.
(vii) The fierce dog attacked the stranger.
(viii) The fire brigade failed to extinguish the raging fire.
(ix) After eating pork, Marcy developed a rash.
(x) The nurse couldn’t tolerate the noisy patient.
(xi) The researchers tested the new drug on mice.
(xii) The athlete regained consciousness after lying in the field for three hours.
(xiii) It is not good to despise other people.
(xiv) I am currently living with my brother in Karen.
(xv) The principal was annoyed with the three boys.
(xvi) The messengers began their journey at dawn.
(xvii) The film studio is being accused of exploiting the singer’s death.
(xviii) She ensured that everybody got something to eat and drink.
Date posted: September 7, 2019. Answers (1)
- Fill in the following blank spaces with phrasal verbs formed from the words given in brackets.(Solved)
Fill in the following blank spaces with phrasal verbs formed from the words given in brackets.
(i) I am ...................................your visit.(look)
(ii) Mary...............the job offered to her at Kenya Airways.(turn)
(iii) The school does not .....................that type of behavior. (stand)
(iv) I was _______by his childish behavior during the academic parade. (take)
(v) The new students could not ____________ their way to the dormitory. (make)
(vi) He tried all his dirty tricks on us but he did not succeed .(come)
(vii) She looked carefully at the document but couldn’t __________________ what it meant (make)
(viii) The teacher couldn’t __________________ the students’ bad behavior. (put)
(ix) Please ___________________ that all the chairs are in good condition. (See)
(x) The boy actually ______________________ his father (take)
Date posted: September 7, 2019. Answers (1)
- Replace the underlined words with a suitable phrasal verb.(Solved)
Replace the underlined words with a suitable phrasal verb.
(i) You do not have to tell me exactly what to do. (spell)
(ii) The teacher reprimanded the errant student. (tell)
(iii)I cannot tolerate Becky’s ill manners. (put)
(iv) The class teacher promised to solve the problem.(sort)
(v) I have left the relationship because she is unfaithful. (walk)
(vi) What a relief that Joan passed all her exams. (get)
(vii) The latest achievement deserves a celebration. (call)
(viii) The patient regained consciousness at 2pm (come). came to
(ix) I will work hard to compensate the wasted time. (make)
(x) My mother scolded me because I had not done the assignment. (tell)
(xi) The dog attacked the stranger the moment the gate was opened. (go)
(xii) The patient recovered from his injuries sooner than we expected. (get)
(xiii) Linet was deceived by the smartly dressed man. (take)
(xiv) The class teacher entered the classroom and caught us making noise. (burst)
(xv) His mother looked at him angrily, turned and left. (storm)
(xvi) After the attack, she discovered that the thugs had escaped with her expensive
watch. (make) made away with
(xvii) I was excited when I accidentally met an old friend in town. bumped into/ran into
Date posted: September 7, 2019. Answers (1)
- Fill the blank spaces with the correct form of the word provided in brackets.(Solved)
Fill the blank spaces with the correct form of the word provided in brackets.
l. If you don’t use coffee in................it can be harmful. (moderate)
2. The employer......................his employees to increase their production.(pressure)
3. His ..................... behaviour has made him to be very unpopular. (scandal)
4. Punishing innocent students is ....................(warrant)
5. You need to listen to his ..................... (argue) first.
6. The body was discovered.................... on the floor. (lie)
7. They......................to finish the project in time for presentation (success)
8. You will have to pay for the ....................... of the house. (maintain)
9. The school gate ....................................................... (be) opened.
10. A weak student ................................................. (spell) every other word in essay writing.
l1. The twins always walk together. They are..................................... (separate)
12. Fortunately, they are able to look at the matter with......................(objective)
13. The workers decided to wait for the outcome of the .............. (deliberate)
14. Such an......................had never been seen. (Occur)
15. When we saw the suspect fidgeting, we knew ................ that he was guilty. (doubt)
16. That matter is highly ................(contest) in a court of law.
17. The inmates took advantage of the ............to escape from custody. (confuse)
18. The matter should be handled.................. (caution)
19. Soil................is an interesting topic to study. (compose)
20. Faith’s................. (mercury) temperament made her difficult to live with.
21. The sick boy had.......(lie) under the tree for two hours.
22. The patient says he feels...............this morning. (good)
23. Who is the ...................writer in the world? (famous)
24. What he did was .............(noble). I didn’t know that he is capable of such an evil.
25. Sometimes the .............._ of a word may differ from its spelling. (Pronounce)
26. When we saw the suspect fidgeting, we knew ................... that he was guilty. (Doubt)
27............ (ordinary), the cows are milked at 4 p.m. every day.
28. Your..................(hostile) will take you nowhere.
29. Marriage.............. (blissful) is just but a dream.
30. SARs is a new disease that is very ................. (infect)
31. After a long ........... he won the tender (argue)
Date posted: September 6, 2019. Answers (1)
- Fill the blank spaces with the correct form of the word provided in brackets.(Solved)
Fill the blank spaces with the correct form of the word provided in brackets.
1.They were asked to ...................... the alarm. (active)
2. He walked.................. (caution) since the flour was wet.
3. The film, though poor in artistic value, was a.................. success. (finance)
4. Will you .............. your theory. (clear)
5. Such ............... (repeat) is boring.
6. The...............(clear) of the speech was appreciated by all.
7. We...................(regular) eat roast potatoes.
8. The husband tried to restrain his…..........................wife (aggression).
9. Has the motor boat.............in the lake. (sink)
10. The company has employed a specialist for the....................of its machine. (maintain)
11. Uganda is contending against the.............of Kenyan goods in the markets. (dominate)
12. In Kenya.............elections are usually hotly contested. (mayor)
13. Such a policy can.............our was given a..................(Tumult) welcome by the waiting crowd.
14. (Literate)..............means the state of being unable to read and write.
15. They gave him morphine to................ the pain. (dead)
16. I had never................... a marathon before. (run)
17. It is not possible to spell a word from her .....................(pronounce)
18. Do not wait for the bus, it comes to this town very...........(Regular)
19. The hunt for the murderers has been ................ (intense)
20. The prices at the market were quite................... (negotiate)
21. After a long .................... he won the tender. (argue)
22. The ....................of the staff has been a matter of concern. (sober)
23. The world is tired of the ................. which man shows his fellow men (apathetic)
24. The Tsunami ....................(cruel) destroyed lots of lives and property. For days, the survivors ............ (agony) searched for their missing relatives. The whole experience was.......... (horrible)
25. The couple has applied for a divorce over ...........differences. (reconcile).
26. The dog barked................ (menace).
27. Most of the students we come across............. (be) lazy.
28. God’s power is ...............(compare).
29. After the fight, Juma went off to wash his..................nose. (blood)
30. I told him that I was............... for her help. (gratitude)
31. Her ........... cost her life. (deceive)
Date posted: September 6, 2019. Answers (1)
- Fill the blank spaces with the correct form of the word provided in brackets.(Solved)
Fill the blank spaces with the correct form of the word provided in brackets.
1.If you had worked hard, you....................what brought you here (complete using the correct form of "achieve")
2. The girl’s........................... (gay) endeared her to marry a young man.
3. His....................(efficient) caused him his job.
4. Due to lack of proper diet, Atieno’s child is ........................ (nourish).
5. The .................................. (management) of the company led to its closure.
6. She could not stand the .............(vulgar) of his actions.
7. Swiss watches are famous for their................. (precise).
8. The criminal’s...................(scandal) behavior in court appalled the judge .
9. The election results were nullified because of the officer’s...................(partial).
10. It.................... (cost) three thousand shilling a year.
11. The news came as a .....................to the whole nation. (reveal)
12. His reckless remarks .....................everyone present.( fury)
13. There is little evidence of .......................... (diligent) in his school work.
14. In summary writing, you should observe both accuracy and..........................(brief).
15. For us to win the game we had to take part in several ..........(strain) exercises.
16. You shall be paid all dues (accrue) to you once you finish this task.
17. The parcel had......................(.(hang) the blouse on the cloths line yesterday.
18. It......................(cost)our school a lot of money to sponsor drama up to the nationals level last year. cost
19. We could not...............................(large) the portrait any further.
20.You can’t............... (Prison) a child below fifteen years of age for truancy.
21. I did not sell the ring .I was told it was ................. (worth).
22. The..................(information) made us to do the wrong thing. misinformation
23. She met her................. (time) death in pursuit of love.
24. The ..................... (advice) board will have to come in.
25. children played ...............(merry) during the party.
26. She is known to be a very.....................(industry) woman.
27. I told her that I was ..................for her help. (gratitude)
28. It was impossible to.............the rowdy crowd. (peace)
29. The ................ of the right of expression is a violation of human rights. (deny) denial
30. Saving the child from the burning house was a ......................................... act. (hero)
Date posted: September 6, 2019. Answers (1)
- Fill the blank spaces with the correct form of the word provided in brackets.(Solved)
Fill the blank spaces with the correct form of the word provided in brackets.
1.Mr Das should be taught manners, he was .................(opinion)
2. We must provide.................improvements in health services. (demonstrate)
3. KCSE ............... have been completed. (analysis)
4. The drama club patron wanted a written .................from the students following there misconduct during the festivals (apologize)
5. Your explanation is based on too many......... (presume)
6. Mary is the most ..............(quarrel) of three students.
7. The .......of the matter brought the District Commissioner to their village. (grave)
8. Jona’s .........in drugs affected his performance. (Indulge)
9. ODM and wiper parties have formed an....................(ally)
10. The..........of the road made driving difficult (even).
11. Sports persons need to arrive in camp two days early in order to................................ (climate)
12. Pope Francis I took over the ...................................after Pope Benedict XVI resigned. (Pope)
13. No single female candidate won the ...................seat in the just concluded election. (Governor)
14. The government has lost all.............. following the increasing cases of corruption in high places. (credible)
15. The company was running ..............(profit)
16. Those..............are magnificent. (stadium)
17. His...........................Was expected. (deny)
18. Mrs. Wafula and Mrs. Kamau...................setting the exam in the library. (Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb ‘be’)
Date posted: September 6, 2019. Answers (1)
- Change the following into reported speeches.(Solved)
Change the following into reported speeches.
i. "Will you come with us to the market?" She asked.
ii. "Consider the consequences of your behavior," the principal advised the students.
iii. "I don’t share your views on politics," he said.
iv. "I must sign the cheques now," the manager said.
vi. "I get up at 5.00am every morning," said John.
vii. "Run to church," Lukoko told Njuru, "and ask the priest to come now."
Date posted: September 6, 2019. Answers (1)