Sketch a block and tackle pulley with three movable pulleys in the lower block and two fixed pulleys in the upper block,to give a velocity...


Sketch a block and tackle pulley with three movable pulleys in the lower block and two fixed pulleys in the upper block,to give a velocity ratio of 6.
(i) An effort of 450N is used to raise a load of 2700N. Determine:
- Mechanical advantage (M.A)
- Efficiency of the pulley system.
(ii) If all the wasted energy is used to raise the lower block and the frictional force between pulleys and moving parts is 3.6N; determine the weight of the lower block.
(iii) If the load moved through a distance of 50cm, determine the useful work done by the effort.



sharon kalunda answered the question on September 9, 2019 at 09:46

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