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Explain the roles of the Holy Spirit in church/believers today.


Explain the roles of the Holy Spirit in church/believers today.



The Holy Spirit enables Christians to make the right decisions/gives wisdom/counsels.
He gives believers deep understanding/revelation of God/His purposes for them.
He helps individuals to know who Jesus Christ is/aspire to live Christ-like lives.
He strengthens the faith of Christians.
He gives them power to perform miracles/healing.
He enables Christians to speak in tongues/interpret tongues.
The Holy Spirit enables Christians to prophesy/preach the word of God/growth of the church.
He enables believers to distinguish/differentiate between spirits.
The Holy Spirit enables believers to do works of mercy/kindness/charity.
The Holy Spirit convicts people of their sins/leads them to confess/repent.
He unites believers as one body of Christ.


State the role of Holy Spirit in the church and in Christian lives today.

Teach Christians on daily basis messages of Jesus
Live in the hearts of believers of Christ
Be an advocate, a counselor, helper and a comforter to those who love Jesus Christ and obey
God’s commandments.
He would remind the disciples the words said by Jesus Christ and introduce them to their
deeper meanings.
Interpret the deeper meaning of the messages of Jesus Christ.
Reveal the truth and mysteries of and about God.
Affirm the right of Jesus as the Son of God.
Reveal the glory of Jesus death.
Reveal what is right and wrong
Give the disciples of Jesus power to become witnesses of Christ.
Give courage to the disciples of Jesus and modern Christians to face prosecution on the account
of following Jesus.
Enable the disciples to expose the secret lives and heart of sinful people.
Guide Christians; help believers to cast away evils spirits, to heal, to preach the word of God, to
encourage, and to condemn evil in the society.
Wincate 1 answered the question on September 21, 2017 at 06:15

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