- Warm to hot conditions or moderate to high temperatures (100C to 260C)
-High rainfall between 1000mm to 2100 mm annually.
- Well distributed rainfall throughout the year.
- Deep, well drained volcanic soils that are slightly acidic.
- Medium to high altitude areas between 910 m and 2100 m above sea level.
- A Sunny dry period to allow ripening of the berries.
-Harvesting involves hand picking of Red Berries leaving green ones.
- Harvested Red Berries are immediately taken to processing factories.
- At the Coffee factory,Berries are poured on a mat and sorted by hand to remove unripe and spoiled berries.
- The Berries are weighed and poured into a tunnel which leads them to a machine that removes the outer covering pulp.
- The beans obtained are fermented in tanks for some time.
- The Beans are washed and sundried on racks for about a week.
- Some dried beans are packed in bags and marketed as unroasted coffee.
- Other dried beans are peeled using a machine to remove husks.
- Peeled beans are sorted and graded according to size and quality.
- The beans are roasted at about 1000C and allowed to cool.
- Finally, the beans are ground into powder and packed ready for sale.
-In Brazil, most of coffee is produced in large estates called Fazendas while in Kenya most of the coffee is produced by small scale farmers.
- In Kenya, Coffee is grown in the highlands while in Brazil, coffee is grown in the plateau.
- In Kenya, drought is the main weather problem while in Brazil,frost is the main weather problem.
- In Kenya, coffee yield per hectare is high due to soil preservation while in Brazil yield per hectare is low due to soil exhaustion.
- In Kenya small scale farmers mainly market their coffee through cooperatives while in Brazil, marketing of coffee is done by companies.
- In Kenya labour in small scale farms is mainly offered by family members while in Brazil, work in the fazendas is done by tenants/hired labourers
- Administering questionnaires
- Interviewing/Asking questions
- Observations
- Taking measurements
- Taking photographs
- Content analysis
- Drawing pie charts
-Drawing graphs
- Drawing statistical table
marto answered the question on September 11, 2019 at 07:13
- Study the sketch map of Ghana below and use it to answer the following questions(Solved)
Study the sketch map of Ghana below and use it to answer the following questions.

a) Name
(i) The cocoa growing areas marked U, V and W
ii) The port cities marked P and Q
b) State five physical conditions favoring cocoa growing in Ghana
c) Describe the stages involved in cocoa processing in Ghana.
d) Explain four economic problems facing cocoa farmers in Ghana
Date posted: September 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- State three observations that that you can make in the forest to indicate that the forest is well managed.(Solved)
State three observations that that you can make in the forest to indicate that the forest is well managed.
Date posted: September 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Study the map of East Africa below and use it to answer question.(Solved)
Study the map of East Africa below and use it to answer question.

a)Identify the minerals in the parts marked A, B, C and D.
(i) Apart from solution method, give three other methods of underground mining..
(ii) Describe how minerals are extracted using solution method.
(c) State four negative effects of mining on the environment.
(d) Explain four contributions of petroleum production to the economies of Middle East countries.
Date posted: September 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- The table below shows the value in Ksh Million of exports from Kenya and imports from the main geographical regions of the world in 2016....(Solved)
The table below shows the value in Ksh Million of exports from Kenya and imports from the main geographical regions of the world in 2016. Use it to answer question (a) and (b).

(i) What is the difference in value between exports and imports from Africa?
(ii) Calculate the total value of imports in the year 2016.
(iii) What is the percentage of the region with the least export value in 2016?
(i) A part from comparative bar graphs, give two other statistical methods that can be usedto present the data in the table.
(ii) Using a vertical scale of 1cm to represent Ksh 50 Billion, draw a comparative bar graph to present the data.
(iii) State three conclusions that can be made from the graph that you have drawn.
(c) State four characteristics of bar graphs.
Date posted: September 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Name two indigenous breeds of cattle kept by nomadic pastoralists in Kenya.(Solved)
Name two indigenous breeds of cattle kept by nomadic pastoralists in Kenya.
Date posted: September 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Give two forms of commercial livestock farming.(Solved)
Give two forms of commercial livestock farming.
Date posted: September 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- State four reasons why British Columbia region in Canada is a major producer of softwoods.(Solved)
State four reasons why British Columbia region in Canada is a major producer of softwoods.
Date posted: September 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- State three characteristics of oblique aerial photographs.(Solved)
State three characteristics of oblique aerial photographs.
Date posted: September 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- What is a photograph?(Solved)
What is a photograph?
Date posted: September 11, 2019. Answers (1)
- Give the difference between beef farming and pastoralism(Solved)
Give the difference between beef farming and pastoralism
Date posted: August 23, 2019. Answers (1)
- Explain three ways in which air transport contribute to the economy of Kenya(Solved)
Explain three ways in which air transport contribute to the economy of Kenya
Date posted: August 23, 2019. Answers (1)
- State three functions of Mombasa town.(Solved)
State three functions of Mombasa town.
Date posted: August 23, 2019. Answers (1)
- Give four ways in which Kenya will benefit as a result of oil discovery in Turkana county.(Solved)
Give four ways in which Kenya will benefit as a result of oil discovery in Turkana county.
Date posted: August 23, 2019. Answers (1)
- What is the time in Hola 40oE when the time in Accra 0o Longitude is 3p.m?(Solved)
What is the time in Hola 40oE when the time in Accra 0o Longitude is 3p.m?
Date posted: August 22, 2019. Answers (1)
- Differentiate between equinox and solstice.(Solved)
Differentiate between equinox and solstice.
Date posted: August 22, 2019. Answers (1)
- Explain four ways in which human activity have affected rivers in Kenya(Solved)
Explain four ways in which human activity have affected rivers in Kenya
Date posted: August 22, 2019. Answers (1)
- Outline three evidence of soil creep(Solved)
Outline three evidence of soil creep.
Date posted: August 22, 2019. Answers (1)
- The instrument below is used to measure an element of weather .Study it and answer the questions below(Solved)
The instrument below is used to measure an element of weather .Study it and answer the questions below.

i) Name the liquid marked X.
ii) Identify the instrument above.
iii).Describe how the instrument works.
Date posted: August 22, 2019. Answers (1)
- If the time at 1200E is 3.00 pm Friday what is the local time and day at longitude 1650E.(Solved)
If the time at 1200E is 3.00 pm Friday what is the local time and day at longitude 1650E.
Date posted: August 22, 2019. Answers (1)
- The diagram below shows the sun, earth and the orbit of the moon round the earth. Study it and answer the questions that follow.i) At...(Solved)
The diagram below shows the sun, earth and the orbit of the moon round the earth. Study it and answer the questions that follow.

i) At what position is the moon likely to be for a solar eclipse to occur.
ii) At what position is the moon likely to be for a lunar eclipse to occur.
Date posted: August 22, 2019. Answers (1)