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Outline the events that took place from the time Jesus was arrested up to the time he was sentenced to death.


Outline the events that took place from the time Jesus was arrested up to the time he was sentenced to death.



Jesus was taken to the house of the high priest
Peter denied Jesus three times
Jesus was mocked/beaten/blindfolded
Jesus was taken to the sanhedrin/they made religious accusations against him
Jesus was taken to Pilate/they made political accusations against him
He was sent to Herod who questioned him/ridiculed dressed him in a royal robe
Pilate said that he had not found Jesus guilty
Pilate chose to have Jesus flogged.
The crowd shouted that Jesus should be crucified.
Pilate surrendered Jesus to be crucified.
Wincate 1 answered the question on September 21, 2017 at 06:36

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