MEMORIES WE LOST AND OTHER STORIES. In life’s confinement, it is positive thinking and hope that creates comfort and ultimate success. Write an essay to show...



In life’s confinement, it is positive thinking and hope that creates comfort and ultimate success. Write an essay to show the validity of the statement. Base your argument on the short story; 'Umbrella man'




In life’s confinement, it is positive thinking and hope that creates comfort and ultimate success.


In the story umbrella man it is evident that optimism is what one needs to endure toughest of times and see one through to success as demonstrated by the inmate number 7.

1)Number 7 is given the privilege of going out of the gates because of his obedience and calmness, a position that other inmates do not enjoy.(pg46)

2)He ensures that he is psychologically at peace with himself and when there is a treat of loneliness in the night, he recreates amity with a child in his dreams. He keeps on consoling the child until it becomes happy. (pg 48,50)

3)He turns a rejected umbrella and makes it his soul mate and it gives him hope to surge on and live in permanent expectation of good tidings. It becomes his companion and he psychologically thrives in its companionship, the symbolic expectation of rains that eventually comes with positivity. (pg 48)

4)The rain is important to the umbrella man. Rain signifies life and with it abundance and constant hope of a brighter future and he urges the barber to see it his way. And as if to confirm his belief, it rains the very day he is released. (pg 46,48,50)

5)The puny little fellow is symptomatic of the yearning for freedom.(pg 49,50)


In conclusion, Number 7 keeps to the faith as he lives it and at the end, the hope is realized when he is released from both physical and psychological bondage.

marto answered the question on September 11, 2019 at 08:27

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