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In each of the following sentences, give an appropriate phrasal verb that means the same as the underlined word.


In each of the following sentences, give an appropriate phrasal verb that means the same as the underlined word.

a.) The thief confessed after a thorough beating by the irate mob.

b.) The grandmother liked her grandchildren .

c.) The meeting was cancelled at the eleventh hour.



a) owned up

b) took to

c) called off

marto answered the question on September 11, 2019 at 11:45

Next: Fill in the blank spaces with the correct form of the word in bracket.
Previous: Fill in the blank spaces with an appropriate preposition.

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    ii. Stingy.......................
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    Handwriting speaks volumes of an individual.So,next time you are hard pressed for time in analyzing an individual, just look at his .1............and you will understand his personality,temperament and behavior. Handwriting is a personal expression, and 2................ who the individual is on the inside.Everybody’s handwriting is unique like one’s fingerprint.Since there is so much of science behind a person’s handwriting,researchers have come up with a term called 3,............ which is indeed the study of handwriting.
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    A signature of a person is 7............aspect of handwriting too.Elaine Ness,a professional handwriting analyst, believes that a signature reflects a person’s communication skills and how he wants to be perceived 8................. the public.If a person’s signature is legible,it means that he is comfortable with what he 9...............expressed.An illegible signature implies that an individualis 10....................interested in gaining public recognition.

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