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Explain the difference in meaning between these two sentences.


Explain the difference in meaning between these two sentences.

a)The hawker was selling ten day- old chicks.

b)The hawker was selling ten- day old chicks.



a) All the chicks were ten in number and all were one day old.

b) All the chicks were ten days old but the number is not specified.

marto answered the question on September 12, 2019 at 05:33

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Previous: A form four mathematics teacher originally worked out the mean mark of her fourty students to be fourty one.

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    ii. The driver was accused of poor .............of the vehicle. (maintain)

    Date posted: September 11, 2019.  Answers (1)

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    Date posted: September 11, 2019.  Answers (1)

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    Date posted: September 11, 2019.  Answers (1)