Explain how the following factors influence climate. i) Latitude ii) Altitude iii) Aspect iv) Winds


Explain how the following factors influence climate.

i) Latitude

ii) Altitude

iii) Aspect

iv) Winds



i) - Areas near the equator are hotter than areas far away from the equator. This is due
to high concentration of the sun’s rays per unit area at the equator/the amount of solar insolation decreases polarwards since it passes through a longer distance of the atmosphere and therefore more interference.

ii) - Lowlands are usually warmer than highlands because the atmosphere becomes
thinner as the altitude increases where the ground loses heat to the outerspace faster/atmospheric pressure decreases with increasing altitude. This is due to the weight of atmospheric air above highlands being less than in lowlands.

iii) - In the northern hemisphere, outside the tropics, the north – facing slopes are cooler
than the south – facing slopes because they do not receive direct solar insolation. (The reverse is true for southern hemisphere).
- Windward slopes are generally wetter than the leeward slopes because the moisture – laden winds rise and drop their moisture on this side first.

iv) - Warm winds bring warming influence to a place if they come from a warm region and vice versa
- Areas under the influence of dry winds have little or no rainfall/areas under the influence of moist winds are usually wet
marto answered the question on September 12, 2019 at 10:19

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