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The diagram below shows livestock parasites. Study the diagrams and answer the questions that follow.


The diagram below shows livestock parasites. Study the diagrams and answer the questions that follow.


a) Identify the parasites X and Y above.

b) State two effects that are caused by the parasite labeled X on the animal’s body.

c) Name one disease transmitted by parasite labeled X above.

d) State three measures taken to control the parasite labeled Y above.




X – tsetse fly
Y – tape worm

(i) transmit Nagana to the livestock and sleeping sickness in human. (trypanosomiasis)
(ii) cause anaemia due to sucking of blood
(iii) damage the skins and the hides of animals


(i) keep house clean and disinfected
(ii) practice rotational grazing
(iii) keep the feeding and watering equipment clean
(iv) proper meat inspection
(v) proper cooking of meat
(vi) use of prophylactic drugs
marto answered the question on September 13, 2019 at 05:58

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