Photographs R1 and R2 show a certain response in plants.


Photographs R1 and R2 show a certain response in plants.
a) Explain how the response shown above occurs.
b) What is the biological significance of the response shown by X?



(a) When shoots are in contact; with support material, auxins migrate to the side away from contact; causing a higher auxin concentration on the side away from contact than the side with contact; higher auxin concentration leads to rapid cell division and elongation; on the side away from contact than the side with contact leading to growth towards contact;
(b) It enables the plant to access support so that it can rise to higher levels where it exposes its leaves to sunlight for photosynthesis; flowers in a position for effective pollination;p and fruits/seeds for effective dispersal;
sharon kalunda answered the question on September 16, 2019 at 14:34

Next: Examine photograph k 1and K2 then answer the questions that follow.
Previous: (a).Identify organs B and D in photograph T2 and state the class of organism from which they were obtained.

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