Describe five circumstances under which a producer would sell his goods directly to consumers


Describe Five circumstances under which a producer would sell his goods directly to consumers.



Where goods are expensive for middlemen

Where goods are of technical nature and the producer may want to have direct contact with the consumer

Where goods are perishable

Where the market is localised in terms of geographical location

Where the goods are produced according to customer specifications


i. Where the products are of technical nature, where the manufacturer may want direct contact with the consumers.
ii. Where the products are expensive and manufacturers fear losing them through intermediaries or middlemen/ brokers are not able to afford t stock them.
iii. Where the manufacturer own retail outlet.
iv. Where products are produced according to consumers’ specifications.
v. Where the consumers are localized in one geographical area or the manufacturers are close to them.
vi. Where products are perishable and the manufacturer want to deliver them fast to the customers.
Wincate 1 answered the question on September 21, 2017 at 13:51

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