A new business is a big target for thieves. New computers, furniture and other office equipment is worth more at a pawn or chop shop than older equipment. Even older businesses that have just undergone renovations and upgrades are a target. Replacement insurance protects a business in the event equipment is stolen, replacing the missing items and paying for repairs from damage caused by the invasion.
We live in a litigious society. Even with the Texas tort reform legislation passed in 2003, which capped judgments and sought to eliminate frivolous lawsuits, businesses are sued by individuals and other businesses for a variety of reasons, legitimate and otherwise. Even the most frivolous lawsuit can be costly to defend; and in the event a business ends up on the losing end of a lawsuit, the awarded damages could exceed the business's capabilities to pay. Depending on the business entity structure, not only the business assets, but also the owner's personal assets could be at risk. Business liability insurance, malpractice insurance or professional liability insurance will cover at least part, if not all, of any damages.
3.Personal Injury or Illness
Business owners should have personal insurance as well. Medical insurance will ensure medical bills incurred due to an illness or injury will not wipe out a business's assets. Considering Texas has some of the highest medical costs in the country--costs per person are over 24 percent higher than the national average--going uninsured could potentially bankrupt a Texas business owner if he were to become ill.
4.Level of Coverage
How much insurance to carry will depend on your industry, the business structure and the amount of assets your business has. The location of the business within Texas, such as coastal or rural, and whether the building is leased or owned will also be a factor. For example, a law firm partnership that owns the building in which it is housed might need more insurance than a jewelry designer operating out of her home.
Vicky001 answered the question on September 21, 2017 at 21:57
- State four banking services that the central bank of Kenya provides to the government(Solved)
State four banking services that the central bank of Kenya provides to the government
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Highlight four reasons why loans advanced by commercial bank in Kenya may not appeal to
many people
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list four functions of development
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state four methods that central bank may use to control credit
Date posted: September 21, 2017. Answers (1)
- Highlight four advantages of using a telegraphic money order as a means of remitting moneythough the post office(Solved)
Highlight four advantages of using a telegraphic money order as a means of remitting money
through the post office
Date posted: September 21, 2017. Answers (1)
- State how a credit transfer is used as a means of transferring money through the commercial banks(Solved)
State how a credit transfer is used as a means of transferring money through the commercial
Date posted: September 21, 2017. Answers (1)
- Discuss the reasons why a business organization may prepare a budget(Solved)
Discuss the reasons why a business organization may prepare a budget
Date posted: September 21, 2017. Answers (1)
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Highlight five reasons why budgeting is important to a business organization
Date posted: September 21, 2017. Answers (1)
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Discuss five benefits that would account to Kabu manufacturers(Solved)
Kabu manufacturers have decided to distribute their goods through wholesalers.
Discuss five benefits that would account to Kabu manufacturers
Date posted: September 21, 2017. Answers (1)
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Discuss circumstances under which a wholesaler becomes essential in the chain of distribution.
Date posted: September 21, 2017. Answers (1)
- Zango manufacturers who have been selling their products directly as retailers
have decided to distribute the products through wholesalers. Explain five benefits that
Zango manufacturers may get...(Solved)
Zango manufacturers who have been selling their products directly as retailers
have decided to distribute the products through wholesalers. Explain five benefits that
Zango manufacturers may get from this new arrangements
Date posted: September 21, 2017. Answers (1)
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Describe Five circumstances under which a producer would sell his goods directly to consumers.
Date posted: September 21, 2017. Answers (1)
- Highlight four circumstances under which a manufacturer may prefer to sell goods directly to the consumers(Solved)
Highlight four circumstances under which a manufacturer may prefer to sell
goods directly to the consumers.
Date posted: September 21, 2017. Answers (1)
- State four benefits to a large consumer who buys directly from the producer.(Solved)
State four benefits of a large consumer who buys directly from the producer.
Date posted: September 21, 2017. Answers (1)
- Give disadvantages of long chain distribution of goods to buyers.(Solved)
Give disadvantages of long chain distribution of goods to buyers.
Date posted: September 21, 2017. Answers (1)
- Highlight four factors that should be considered in choosing a method of distributing
agricultural produce(Solved)
Highlight four factors that should be considered in choosing a method of distributing
agricultural produce
Date posted: September 21, 2017. Answers (1)
- Name four channels the manufacturer would use to distribute his goods.(Solved)
Name four channels the manufacturer would use to distribute his goods.
Date posted: September 21, 2017. Answers (1)
- Highlight four benefits that accrue to a customer who buys directly from a manufacturer(Solved)
Highlight four benefits that accrue to a customer who buys directly from a manufacturer
Date posted: September 21, 2017. Answers (1)
- Outline four benefits that customers get from small-scale retailers.(Solved)
Outline four benefits that customers get from small-scale retailers.
Date posted: September 21, 2017. Answers (1)
- For each of the following transactions, indicate with a tick in the spaces provided whether the
following business transaction will increase, decrease or have no effect...(Solved)
For each of the following transactions, indicate with a tick in the spaces provided whether the
following business transaction will increase, decrease or have no effect on the balance sheet total.
a) investing more cash in the business
b) paying creditors in cash
c) Buying a piece of furniture in cash
Date posted: September 21, 2017. Answers (1)