State four measures that Kenya may take to promote her exports


State four measures that Kenya may take to promote her exports



-Use of export compensation scheme-situation where the exporter sells his goods below the normal price and he is entitled to claim the difference of the total value from the government
- Exporters to be paid export compensation as an incentive
- allow waivers for customs duty on raw materials meant for
production of export
- Negotiate for preferential treatment of Kenya products abroad
- Government subsidy on some expenses
- Establishing advisory bodies
- Customs drawbacks
- Revaluations of Kenya shillings
- Simplicity of export procedures
- Export guarantee schemes
- Exporters producing high quality goods
- Sponsor exhibition for Kenyan goods abroad

i).Providing export subsidy thus making it cheaper for exporter
ii).Looking for more markets abroad through KETA enabling more to be exported
iii).Organizing fairs and exhibitions in foreign countries to create awareness.
v).Easy export licensing for exporters to facilitate export licensing create awareness.
vii).Diversifying her export commodities for market security / cushion slump in demand
viii).Lowering duties on imported raw materials meant for export to encourage reexportation
ix).By establishing export processing zones, EPZs which enhance more
x).By entering into bilateral trade agreement with other trading partners to improve
their terms of trade
Githiari answered the question on September 22, 2017 at 10:46

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