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Explain the management practices that a farmer should carry out to improve milk production in a low dairy herd.


Explain the management practices that a farmer should carry out to improve milk production in a low dairy herd.



-Selection should be based on good health, high fertility and good body conformation.
-Poor animals should be culled.
-Selection and culling should be a continuous exercise.
-Use superior bulls/ semen from superior bulls to breed.
-Breed heifers when fully mature, considering weight.
-Breed cows 60 to 90 days after calving to maintain a calving interval of one calf per year.
-Keep the animals healthy by vaccinating them regularly
-Control external and internal parasites using appropriate drugs.
-Treat sick animals.
-Isolate sick animals which are suffering from contagious diseases.
-Prevent physical injuries by removing sharp objects near animal housing/ grazing areas and holes.Use plain fencing wire.
-Feed the cows on a balanced ration.
-Give adequate feed.The feed should be clean/ free from contamination.
-Provide minerals and vitamins to the cow.
-Provide proper housing with good ventillation.
-Avoid overcrowding in the animal houses.
-Milk cows at regular intervals.
-Handle the animals properly.
-Observe any signs of heat closely.
-Observe any signs of disease and parasite attack closely.
-Keep proper records.
-Evaluate the performance of the herd.
marto answered the question on September 25, 2019 at 06:26

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