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With close reference to Margaret Ogola's the River and the Source,write an essay that would validate the observation that it takes someone like Akoko to...


With close reference to Margaret Ogola's the River and the Source,write an essay that would validate the observation that it takes someone like Akoko to change a community



Akoko's difference or distinction from her siblings and everybody else at birth.Ironically,her first cry is like that of a boy,prompting the father to remark that he has got yet another son.

The first two words she utters unlike normal children who utter one word-dwaro mara- are to define her life-that of an assertive person who will demand that her rights be respected.

Her father ,a chauvinistic chief ,recognizes her as different from his other children ,not just because she is a girl.

When her mother and brother in law accuse her of witchcraft,she stands up to them and triumphs.

After the death of her husband there is the threat of Otieno taking everything from her,she takes the case to Kisuma to seek for justice and finally what was rightfully her's is returned.

She instills in her children and grandchildren values that continue to guide them long after she she has died.Indeed at the end of the novel Wandia is seen as a reincarnation of Akoko because he personality ,resolve and achievements resemble Akoko's. Akoko stands out as one woman who would not be deflected from her chosen path by the despicable behavior of Lazy people out to belittle her.

She transforms the way the girl child is viewed in an otherwise male dominated community.

marto answered the question on September 22, 2017 at 12:40

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