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The internet has been embraced as great a great resource for information and a variety of applications. State two ways in which a book publisher...


The internet has been embraced as great a great resource for information and a variety of applications. State two ways in which a book publisher can make use of the internet.



1. Communication with other organizations, with your members, with your staff, with your supporters and donors through e-mails, messenger, web pages, mail lists, web site message boards. The Internet greatly offers rapid communication on a global scale. It even delivers an integrated multimedia entertainment that any other mass medium cannot offer.

2. Publishing your message to the world using online books, journals, press releases, workshops, conferences, lectures. Websites with conference proceedings, PDF (Portable Document Format) files of your publications, blogs, newsfeeds publishing.

3. Customer support - the people you are helping through your organization. It can help them when you aren't there: email, messenger, web pages, mail lists, and web site message boards. With video-conferencing, podcasting and other great web tools, you can even have workshops and classes online.

4. Researchon news, issues, papers and literature relevant to your cause. Use of search engines to find materials world-wide, mail lists e.t.c.

5. A place to do business and many other commercial activities;.E.g. e-bay,, e.t.
marto answered the question on September 26, 2019 at 06:32

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