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State any two symptoms of the following computer work-related disorders and two methods of prevention. (i) Computer vision syndrome. (ii) Repetitive strain injury.


State any two symptoms of the following computer work-related disorders and two methods of prevention.
(i) Computer vision syndrome.
(ii) Repetitive strain injury.



i) Computer vision syndrome.

- Sore, tired, burning and itching or dry eyes
- Blurred or double vision
- Headache or sore neck
- Increased sensitivity to light

- Take a break of 5 to 10 minutes
- Reduce glare and reflection from the computer screen
- Adjust the contrast and brightness of the screen
- Prevent eye strain by adjusting the sitting height
- Gentle message your eyes

ii) Repetitive strain injury.


- Numbness in the thumb or in fingers
- Extreme pain at the wrist
- Tingling in the finger


- Take frequent breaks
- Position as the keyboard
maurice.mutuku answered the question on September 30, 2019 at 05:18

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