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You are provided with the following apparatus used for studying charging of a capacitor. An uncharged capacitor, voltmeter, milliameter, 6V battery, connecting wires, a switch...


You are provided with the following apparatus used for studying charging of a capacitor. An uncharged capacitor, voltmeter, milliameter, 6V battery, connecting wires, a switch and a load resistor R.
i) Draw a circuit diagram that can be used to charge the capacitor.
ii) Use the circuit diagram drawn above to explain how the capacitor gets charged.
iii) State the purpose of resistor R.



ii) Negative charges flow from the negative terminal of the battery to one plate of the capacitor Negative charges flow from the other plate of the capacitor to the positive terminal of the cell Hence equal positive and negative charges gather on the plates opposing further flow of electrons when fully charged or p.d across the plates is equal to that of the battery
iii) To slow down the charging process so that current and voltage are observed.
sharon kalunda answered the question on September 30, 2019 at 08:09

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