The diagram below shows a structure used to collect water in the farm. (a) Identify the method of collection above (b) Give two factors that will determine...


The diagram below shows a structure used to collect water in the farm.
(a) Identify the method of collection above
(b) Give two factors that will determine the amount of water collected from the above mentioned
(c) Outline one maintenance practice that should be carried out on part labeled c above.
(d) Name one other method used to collect water in the farm.
(e) Describe the procedure of sampling soil for testing.



(a) – Roof catchment
(b) – Rainfall intensity
- Duration of rainfall
- Surface area of the roof
(c) – repair the leaking parts
- Regularly wash and remove the sediments
- Paint the iron sheet tank to control rusting.
(d) - Ponds, Drums
(e) Procedure for soil sampling
- Clear the vegetation
- Make a vertical cut to 15 cm to 30 cm for crop land or 5 cm for pasture land.
- Take a slice from the vertical cut or use a soil anger to scoop out the soil.
- Put the soil in a clearly labelled polythene bag.
- Repeat the above procedure in a different locations according to the method of sampling.
Kavungya answered the question on September 30, 2019 at 09:32

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