A student set-up the apparatus as shown below to determine the power of an electric heater


A student set-up the apparatus as shown below to determine the power of an electric heater

(i) Other than time, state the measurements that would be used to determine the quantity of heat P absorbed by ice in a unit time
(ii) Complete the circuit to show the connection of the essential circuit components
(iii) Describe how the student would proceed to determine P
(iv) Give a reason why P may not be equal to the value indicated by the manufacturer



(i) Current, voltage (p.d) mass of water collected temperature of the melt


(iii) Switch on the current and start the clock simultaneously
-Record the steady venus current I and P.d.v
-Note the temperature of the melt( should be 0oC)
-Weighs the melt to obtain its mass m, collected over a known length of time , t
Apply Ivt=mlf

(iv)It may not be operating at its optimum conditions of p.d and temperature,T. the heater also absorbs heat
Wilfykil answered the question on October 1, 2019 at 06:54

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