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Give reasons why women have dominated church activities in Kenya.


Give reasons why women have dominated church activities in Kenya.



i. They are the majority in our churches

ii. They are better believers than the male counterparts

iii. It is in the church where full recognition has matured in Kenya/ condemn sensitivity

iv. This is because of their very nature of accommodative of situation

v. They are more loving/ caring

vi. When they sing the choir is enriched hence more believers

vii. They take time in their area of a specialization

viii. Most of the church activities like choir/ bible reading / cleaning the church they are famine

ix. They are less critical to issues in the church than men

x. They receive consolation from the church which satisfy them

xi. During fellowship they really encourage one another
maurice.mutuku answered the question on October 1, 2019 at 10:42

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