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Describe the works and activities of Jesus after His Baptism.


Describe the works and activities of Jesus after His Baptism.



i) He was led by the Holy spirit to the wildness where he stayed for 40 days

ii) He was tempted by Satan in 3 fold that is, showed a kingdom / turning stones into bread/ jumping from the pillar of the roof unhurt

iii) He preached in the synagogue at Nazareth on the Sabbath day

iv) He gave a sermon on the plains

v) He taught the beatitudes

vi) He used parables in his teaching

vii) He prayed earnestly and light about prayers

viii) He visited his friends and taught them that is, the sons of thunder ( the zebedees)

ix) He instructed the disciples where cast them nets and the wonderful catch

x) He called his apostles and delegated to them duties

xi) He commissioned the 72 disciples in the missionary work

xii) His trumpet entry to Jerusalem

xiii) He prayed at Mt olives and the subsequent arrest
maurice.mutuku answered the question on October 1, 2019 at 10:48

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