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Explain how irresponsible leisure activities can interfere with the Christian way of life.


Explain how irresponsible leisure activities can interfere with the Christian way of life.



i) Abuse of drug and substance can make drive false satisfaction instead of God

ii) Illicit sex can make one feel shy not to attend church services

iii) Financial scandal can make one loose integrity hence failure to attend church

iv) Drunkenness may make one not to have time for church

v) Disco jokers may want to entertain fans on the day of prayers or eve of the prayers

vi) Money matters/ Greed for money may make one forget about God

vii) Greed for power may make one to become corrupt

viii) Conformity with others may lead to irrational decision making hence injustice

ix) Sponsoring of dangerous games like boxing / bull, fighting which may lead to death

x) Stealing / mugging of people can make one be a jail bird or die on the process as one wants cheap life
maurice.mutuku answered the question on October 1, 2019 at 11:37

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