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Identify the challenges that face the practice of circumcision in our society today.


Identify the challenges that face the practice of circumcision in our society today.



? The problems associated with HIV/Aids pandemic (use of one knife in all the initiates)
-Education and the school system. The programming of the exercise in relation to the academic calendar causes disputes.

-Churches and NGOs including the government are all against female genital mutilation.

-Religious doctrines which dismiss it as of no consequences as far as life is concerned.

-It no longer promotes national identity and unity.

-Academic achievements count much more than mere circumcision.

-Some aspects involved in initiation are now unlawful for example killing of wild animals.

-Urban set up is not conducive to certain aspects of circumcision.

-Western culture influence that does not recognize circumcision as a rite of passage.

-Intermarriage that uproots people from their community traditions.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on October 1, 2019 at 13:48

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