Why do children sometimes conflict with their parents in Kenya today?


Why do children sometimes conflict with their parents in Kenya today?



(i) Indiscipline of the children

(ii) Age barrier or generation gap

(iii) Money issues either abundant or lack of it.

(iv) Parents being over strict with their children

(v) Children or parents abusing drugs and alcohol

(vi) Absentee parents who don’t have time to know the children

(vii) Children take much time in schools or colleges making them strangers to their parents.

(viii) Permissiveness in the society.

(ix) Bad behaviour from parents being copied by the young thus losing respect and role models.

(x) Pregnancy in girls while at school

(xi) Criminal activities for example, theft

(xii) Suspension/Expulsion from school
maurice.mutuku answered the question on October 2, 2019 at 08:43

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