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Describe the formation of the following glacial features. i) Hanging valley. ii) Arête


Describe the formation of the following glacial features.

i) Hanging valley.

ii) Arête



i) Hanging valley.

- There exist river valleys, both the main and tributary valley.
- A glacier occupies former river valley.
- Both the main and tributary valley are occupied by the glacier.
- There will be more erosion on the main valley compared to tributary valley.
- The main valley is therefore deepened and widened faster than tributary valley.
- The suspended tributary valley forms a hanging valley.

ii) Arête.

- Two adjacent cracks or hollows exist on a mountain side.
- The two hollows or cracks are filled with ice.
- The ice erodes the sides through plucking and deepens the hollow through abrasion.
marto answered the question on October 2, 2019 at 09:02

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