-It promotes injustice on the citizens
-It is a criminal offence and anyone involved may be imprisoned
-It leads to suffering of ones family if one is sacked and looses the source of income
-It makes the public loose respect and confidence, especially if it involves leaders
-It creates a situation of hopelessness despair, poverty and political instability
-Employment and promotion of unqualified people leads to unemployment, bitterness, hatred, and discontentment and demoralizes other workers.
-It leads to under development of a country if the employees are not qualified
-Leads to poor performance in some schools when in competent students take places they don’t deserve
-It is condemned in the Bible
-If it involves supply of consumer goods and food it makes citizens suffer a lot and some may even die of hunger
-It widens the gap between the rich and the poor, hence social inequality
-It enhances discrimination for example,nepotism and tribalism.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on October 2, 2019 at 10:45
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What are the reasons that made Jewish leaders to rise against Jesus?.
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State evidence that shows that Jesus resurrected from death.
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