1.Authoritarian Theory
According to this theory, mass media, though not under the direct control of the State, had to follow its bidding. Under an Authoritarian approach in Western Europe, freedom of thought was jealously guarded by a few people (ruling classes), who were concerned with the emergence of a new middle class and were worried about the effects of printed matter on their thought process. Steps were taken to control the freedom of expression. The result was advocacy of complete dictatorship. The theory promoted zealous obedience to a hierarchical superior and reliance on threat and punishment to those who did not follow the censorship rules or did not respect authority. Censorship of the press was justified on the ground that the State always took precedence over the individual's right to freedom of expression.
This theory stemmed from the authoritarian philosophy of Plato, who thought that the State was safe only in the hands of a few wise men. Thomas Hobbes (1588 - 1679), a British academician, argued that the power to maintain order was sovereign and individual objections were to be ignored. Engel, a German thinker further reinforced the theory by stating that freedom came into its supreme right only under Authoritarianism.
The world has witnessed to authoritarian means of control over media by both dictatorial and democratic governments.
2 .Libertarianism or Free Press Theory
This movement is based on the right of an individual, and advocates absence of restraint. The basis of this theory dates back to 17th century England when the printing press made it possible to print several copies of a book or pamphlet at cheap rates. The State was thought of as a major source of interference on the rights of an individual and his property. Libertarians regarded taxation as institutional theft. Popular will (vox populi) was granted precedence over the power of State.
Advocates of this theory were Lao Tzu, an early 16th century philosopher, John Locke of Great Britain in the 17th century, John Milton, the epic poet ('Aeropagitica') and John Stuart Mill, an essayist ('On Liberty'). Milton in Aeropagitica in 1644, referred to a self-righting process if free expression is permitted 'let truth and falsehood grapple.' In 1789, the French, in their Declaration of the Rights of Man, wrote 'Every citizen may speak, write and publish freely.' Out of such doctrines came the idea of a 'free marketplace of ideas.' George Orwell defined libertarianism as 'allowing people to say things you do not want to hear'.
Libertarians argued that the press should be seen as the Fourth Estate reflecting public opinion.
3 Social Responsibility Theory
Social Responsibility theory. This theory can be said to have been initiated in the United States by the Commission of The Freedom of Press, 1949. The commission found that the free market approach to press freedom had only increased the power of a single class and has not served the interests of the less well-off classes. The emergence of radio, TV and film suggested the need for some means of accountability. Thus the theory advocated some obligation on the part of the media to society. A judicial mix of self- regulation and state regulation and high professional standards were imperative.
Social Responsibility theory thus became the modern variation in which the duty to one's conscience was the primary basis of the right of free expression
4. Soviet Media/Communist Theory
This theory is derived from the ideologies of Marx and Engel that 'the ideas of the ruling classes are the ruling ideas'. It was thought that the entire mass media was saturated with bourgeois ideology. Lenin thought of private ownership as being
incompatible with freedom of press and that modern technological means of information must be controlled for enjoying effective freedom of press.
The theory advocated that the sole purpose of mass media was to educate the great masses of workers and not to give out information. The public was encouraged to give feedback as it was the only way the media would be able to cater to its interests.
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