List the issues to consider when selecting learning resources.


List the issues to consider when selecting learning resources.



i. Availability of resources are the resources intended for use available at the time of teaching the topic, unit/lesson.

ii. Learner variables such as reader, non-reader, or auditory preference.

iii. Nature of the learning objective; cognitive, affective, psychomotor and interpersonal skills.

iv. Presentation capabilities of each of the media formats e.g. presenting still visuals, motion visuals, printed and spoken words.

v. Must give feedback to both the learner and the teacher.

vi. Relevancy of the material to the content or topic to be taught. Does the material contribute highly to the understanding of the students.

vii. Number of students in class will determine the sharing of the resources for ease for usage.

viii. cost effectiveness of the material –the cost of the resources based on demand or supply for the choice of the resource has to be cost effective.

ix. Convenience of storage confusing and accessing the resource, by either the x. Durability, acceptance of appropriateness and flexibility to improvise planning and management of the resources.

xi. The expertise available within the school to support the selection of materials.

xii. The obsolescence of some materials, and the development of new materials and new media
marto answered the question on October 3, 2019 at 07:01

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