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What does one consider when designing materials for teaching and learning.


What does one consider when designing materials for teaching and learning.



i. Objectives
- what do you want your students to learn?

ii. Audience
-what are the characteristics of your audience? Do they have the pre- requisite knowledge and skills to use or learn from the materials

iii. Cost sufficient
- money available to meet the cost of supplies (films, audio tapes videocassettes and TV sets if not then you may need to prepare the materials yourself.

iv. Technical expertise
-do you have the necessary to design produce the kind of material you wish to produce if not will the necessary technical assistance be available to you ?try to keep your design within the range of your own capabilities ,Do not waste time ,money trying to produce expensive materials

v. Equipment
-do you have available the necessary equipment to produce or use the materials you intend to design.

vi. Time
- can you afford to spend whatever time that may be necessary to design and produce the kind of materials you have in mind.
marto answered the question on October 3, 2019 at 07:06

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