The assure Model is a well- constructed procedural model designed to ensure effective use of media instruction. It is a procedural guide for planning and conducting instruction that incorporates media. The model assumes that training or instruction is required where students are to use a new media. It further explains how to plan systematically for effective use of instructional media. The model therefore focuses on planning surrounding the actual classroom use of media.
Suppose a teacher wants to teach form two students on how to operate a video camera, an OHP, A film projector etc.
The ASSURE Model through careful planning will help the teacher to focus on how to handle such situations well in advance before the lesson begins. The teacher will have to plan, on what materials to use, how to use them, where to get them and decide on the cost effectiveness of the materials and their availability. Other models on instructional development are more ambitious they guided the entire process of designing instructional systems such are required to undergo other procedures like
- Needs analysis
-Product design
- Pro –type tryout
- System implementation
- Evaluation and assessment procedures
ASSURE model is meant for use by individual teachers in planning everyday classroom use of media. The model was the brain child of Molenda, M: Russell. J. D and Heinich R.R. (1989; 1993) the model therefore proposes six steps or procedures in systematic planning for Use of Media .these were given in form of Acronym ASSURE which means
A-Analyse the Learners
S-state the Objectives
S-select media
U-utilize media and materials
R-require the learners participation
E-evaluate and Revise
marto answered the question on October 3, 2019 at 07:28
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List the things to consider while preparing a learning environment.
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