Step I Analyze the Learner
Analyze learner who may be the students for a teacher to select the best media is. As a teacher you must have comprehensive knowledge of your learners for you to be able to select the best media for use and the lesson objectives. the effective use of media involves a match between learners characteristics, content of the lesson and its presentation Hence analyzing learners is important as the first step of assure model, hence it is important to determine their entry behavior, their learning styles, information processing habits, motivational factors psychological factors, psychological factors sex differences, health and environmental factors entry competencies informal means can be used such as in classroom questioning out of class interviews, testing-with standardized or teacher made tests .Hence entry tests are assessments both formal and inform that determine whether or not the student possess the necessary pre-requites (entry-skills) which are the competencies the learner must possess in order to benefit from the instruction.
Step II State the Objectives
This is the second step of ASSURE Model. Objectives must be stated as specifically as possible .They must be derived from a course, a syllabus stated in a text book, taken from a curriculum guide or developed by the teacher. Every activity has an objective. Objectives are unifying statements for our daily and future activities. Objectives may be stated by developers of a curriculum or by the teacher's themselves, they may be conceived as points marking achievement of some sort.
Step III Selecting Media and Material
A systematic plan for using media demands that media be selected systematically the selection process involves
Choosing, modifying, and designing specific materials within that forms at the are four main involved in the selection modifying and designing specific materials
Step V Require Learner Response
Provide opportunities for learners to practice the capability of being taught. This is because active participation in the learning process enhances learning to enhance active participation the teacher should incorporate topics which promote classroom activities. These include short quizzes class discussions and application exercises .These may provide immediate feedback and reinforcements during instruction. Research shows that active participation in the classroom learning process enhances meaningful learning.
marto answered the question on October 3, 2019 at 07:31
- Discuss ASSURE Model in media instruction.(Solved)
Discuss ASSURE Model in media instruction.
Date posted: October 3, 2019. Answers (1)
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List the things to consider while preparing a learning environment.
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Give the importance of previewing material during material selection.
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List the techniques may be useful components of a process to guide the borrowing of and access to materials.
Date posted: October 3, 2019. Answers (1)
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Outline ways in which professionals in the areas of audio, graphic design, photography, and television produce materials in ways that aid instruction.
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What does one consider when designing materials for teaching and learning.
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- List the procedures to be followed when selecting an appropriate media.(Solved)
List the procedures to be followed when selecting an appropriate media.
Date posted: October 3, 2019. Answers (1)
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List the five basic principles in selecting media.
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List the issues to consider when selecting learning resources.
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Give examples of sophisticated media technologies for teaching used in our classroom today.
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Give examples of teaching media used in our classroom today.
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Briefly discuss the general use of Media.
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Discuss the main components of Print and non-print media.
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List the types of media.
Date posted: October 3, 2019. Answers (1)
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Define the following terms in Education Technology.
Date posted: October 3, 2019. Answers (1)
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Discuss Berlo's S-M-C-R Model of mass communication.
Date posted: October 3, 2019. Answers (1)
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List the four kinds of gratifications.
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Discuss the Behavioural theories of mass communication.
Date posted: October 3, 2019. Answers (1)
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Discuss the Classical /Modern theories of mass communication.
Date posted: October 3, 2019. Answers (1)
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List the theories of Mass Communication.
Date posted: October 3, 2019. Answers (1)