a) physiological barriers
These include all kinds of illnesses such as headache, toothache, heartburn, hunger pangs, etc
-Since these illnesses are confined in the learners, the teacher is limited in the extent to which he/she can control them
- It is never the less important for the teacher to recognize that those barriers exist in any classroom and that they do affect teaching and learning.
b) Physical barriers
They are influential non-verbal cues and they are two types, namely
- Those that use mostly teacher created such as physique or body appearance, teacher?s general attractiveness and even body odours. We may also add to this list fatigue and stress which may be in either the teacher or his/her pupils
- The second kind of physical barriers are those that are environmentally determined
such as
-furniture (desks) arrangement
-lighting in the room
-lack of ventilation or stuffiness in the room
-external voices
It is the responsibility of every teacher to try and eliminate any physical barrier that may emanate from him/her or the classroom environment.
c) Psychological barriers
The psychological characteristics of a situation exist in the teacher or pupil and can be controlled because they are external to the learning situation; some examples are attitudes, anxieties, mental anguish strong opinions of any kind, prejudices, etc
marto answered the question on October 3, 2019 at 07:47
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