(i) Proactive History
This is all the differences the subjects bring with them in the investigation. This is controlled by random selection of subjects and random assignment to groups.
(ii) Retroactive History.
Certain events may occur during the time the study is conducted that may influence the behavior of the subjects involved. Rectroactive history is of concern to researchers conducting long-term investigations.
(iii) Maturation
Development differences in subjects during the course of research study can affect internal validity. The use of control group is the best way to deal with the influences of maturation.
(iv) Testing
Testing plays an important role in many research studies. A pre-test is often used to measure performance level before some special training. A post-test follows training to determine if it had any effects.
For a study to be internally valid, the researcher must find ways to ensure the training and not pre-test was responsible for the difference in performance following training.
(v) Investigators Bias
Experimentor or investigator bias is an issue of great concern in research today. The expectations of even the most conscientious experimentor may
unintentionally influence the results of the study. One way of controlling such a bias is through double blind control procedure where neither the individual collecting the data nor the subject participating in the study is aware of the hypotheses or expected outcomes.
(vi) Attrition
Subjects from certain groups in a research study may be lost for a variety of reasons. If the loss is particularly great for a certain group, the internal validity may be reduced.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on October 3, 2019 at 11:53
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