(a) '.....the girls retired to their bedroom to arrange and tidy it up.' Highlight the events that occur before this.
- Mama Millanoi is engrossed in thoughts.
- Ole Kaelo ushers his family into their new home.
- They are ecstatic.
(b) 'I don't know, but I feel an oppressive silence,' Why does Resian feel this kind of silence?
Having been accosted by the man with knobkerrie, she smells FGM. She feels that even the father would support the mutilation of her sexuality.
(c) Taiyo removed her cardigan and immediately swung into action.
Rewrite beginning with: Removing......
Removing her cardigan, Taiyo immediately swung into action.
(d) Describe two traits demonstrated by Taiyo in the excerpt.
-Responsible/ Hardworking. She swings into action while Resian is glued to her book.
- Assertive. Says that her body will only be mutilated after her death.
(e) Discuss two styles used by the author in the excerpt.
- Dialogue. Between Resian and Taiyo about female genital mutilation. We learn that Taiyo is determined to have her body parts intact.
- Local dialect.
(f) Highlight two themes presented in the excerpt.
- Female circumcision.
(g) What happens immediately after this excerpt?
- Taiyo promises to speak to Ole Kaelo about their going back to Nakuru.
- Resian cries.
- Taiyo assures Resian that no harm would come her way.
(h) Give the meaning of the following words as used in the excerpt.
i. Exasperation frustration
ii. Befuddle confuse
iii. archaic outdated
marto answered the question on October 8, 2019 at 07:25
- Read the passage below and then answer questions that follow.(Solved)
Read the passage below and then answer questions that follow.
Drug addiction is not a hallmark of moral failure or lack of willpower—it’s a complex disease that deserves long-term, extensive treatment, just like any other chronic condition. People who have not struggled with substance abuse may find it difficult to understand why anyone would start using. Why would someone willingly put themselves in harm’s way by taking dangerous substances? There are, in fact, many reasons why some people turn to or start abusing drugs, and unfortunately the consequences can be life-shattering. While every case is unique, there are general patterns that indicate why some people use drugs, how addiction develops, and the consequences of drug abuse.
While specific incentives differ from person to person, generally speaking, people start using drugs to escape or mask pain.
In some individuals, the onset of drug use can be from untreated psychiatric issues including anxiety and depression. The rush of pleasure from using drugs can provide temporary solace from suffering, which can stem from many mental health or other issues including trauma or abuse, mental illness, low self-esteem, poverty, relationship problems, loss of a loved one, stress, and chronic pain or medical conditions. But whatever their reason for starting, once addiction sets in, the disease usually spirals more and more out of their control.
For most people, the initial decision to take drugs is voluntary. But as they are swept up into the cycle of addiction, the neural pathways in their brain change so they are less able to control their behavior and resist their intense impulses.
It works like this: the brain rewards pleasurable experiences (such as food, intimacy, and laughter) with surges of feel-good chemicals like dopamine. But using drugs triggers the release of much more dopamine than chocolate or cuddling does, and the rush of euphoria compels them to repeat the experience. The more someone uses drugs, the more they condition their brain to anticipate the same substance-fueled pleasant sensations.
That’s why it’s so difficult to stop. The brain becomes wired for addiction. Eventually, one’s tolerance may build so much that addictive behavior no longer provides any pleasure, and using drugs simply becomes a way to avoid withdrawal. They need drugs just to keep feeling normal.
Not everyone who experiments with drugs becomes an addict. There’s no single factor that can predict whether someone will become addicted, though there are general social, biological, and environmental factors that do increase the risk.
Genes, in combination with environmental factors, account for about half of a person’s addiction vulnerability. Being male, African American, or having a mental illness can also increase a person’s risk of progressing to addiction.Family, friends, and socioeconomic status have a significant impact on a person’s likelihood of developing an addiction. Physical and sexual abuse, peer pressure, stress, and parental guidance can greatly affect the occurrence of substance abuse. Although a person can become an addict at any age, the earlier substance use begins, the more likely it will escalate to serious addiction.
The sad truth is that more deaths, illnesses, and disabilities are caused by substance abuse than by any other preventable health condition. Prolonged drug dependence interferes with just about every organ in the human body, and different drugs have different damaging effects.
a) According to the passage, what is drug addiction?
b) Make notes on the causes of drug abuse.
c) How does addiction develop according to the passage?
d) List the environmental factors that predict whether someone will become addicted.
e) What are the effects of substance abuse according to the passage?
f) Explain the meaning following expressions as used in the passage.
i. Willpower
ii. Compels
iii. Escalate
Date posted: October 8, 2019. Answers (1)
- Explain the difference in meaning between the sentences that follow.
i) I bought three pens for thirty shillings.
ii) I bought three pens at thirty shillings.(Solved)
Explain the difference in meaning between the sentences that follow.
i) I bought three pens for thirty shillings.
ii) I bought three pens at thirty shillings.
Date posted: October 8, 2019. Answers (1)
- Rewrite the sentence according to the instruction given without changing its meaning.(Solved)
Rewrite the sentence according to the instruction given without changing its meaning.
(i) The girl said, 'I have done my homework.' Rewrite without using the speech marks('..')
(ii) She told him, 'Don't drive so fast!' Write in a reported speech
(iii) I think Muna is funnier than Amos. End: .....Muna
Date posted: October 8, 2019. Answers (1)
- Read the excerpt below and then answer the questions that follow.(Solved)
Read the excerpt below and then answer the questions that follow.
Nora. What right have you to question me, Mr.Krogstad?–You, one of my husband’s subordinates! But since you ask, you shall know. Yes, Mrs. Linde is to have an appointment. And it was I who pleaded her cause, Mr. Krogstad, let me tell you that.
Krogstad. I was right in what I thought, then.
Nora (walking up and down the stage). Sometimes one has a tiny little bit of influence, I should hope. Because one is a woman, it does not necessarily follow that–. When anyone is in a subordinate position, Mr. Krogstad, they should really be careful to avoid offending anyone who–who–
Krogstad. Who has influence?
Nora. Exactly.
Krogstad (changing his tone). Mrs. Helmer, you will be so good as to use your influence on my behalf.
Nora. What? What do you mean?
Krogstad. You will be so kind as to see that I am allowed to keep my subordinate position in the Bank.
Nora. What do you mean by that? Who proposes to take your post away from you?
Krogstad. Oh, there is no necessity to keep up the pretence of ignorance. I can quite understand that your friend is not very anxious to expose herself to the chance of rubbing shoulders with me; and I quite understand, too, whom I have to thank for being turned off.
Nora. But I assure you–
Krogstad. Very likely; but, to come to the point, the time has come when I should advise you to use your influence to prevent that.
Nora. But, Mr. Krogstad, I have no influence.
Krogstad. Haven’t you? I thought you said yourself just now–
Nora. Naturally I did not mean you to put that construction on it. I! What should make you think I have any influence of that kind with my husband?
Krogstad. Oh, I have known your husband from our student days. I don’t suppose he is any more unassailable than other husbands.
Nora. If you speak slightingly of my husband, I shall turn you out of the house.
Krogstad. You are bold, Mrs. Helmer.
Nora. I am not afraid of you any longer. As soon as the New Year comes, I shall in a very short time be free of the whole thing.
Krogstad (controlling himself ). Listen to me, Mrs.Helmer. If necessary, I am prepared to fight for my small post in the Bank as if I were fighting for my life.
Nora. So it seems.
Krogstad. It is not only for the sake of the money; indeed, that weighs least with me in the matter. There is another reason–well, I may as well tell you. My position is this. I daresay you know, like everybody else, that once, many years ago, I was guilty of an indiscretion.
Nora. I think I have heard something of the kind.
Krogstad. The matter never came into court; but every way seemed to be closed to me after that. So I took to the business that you know of. I had to do something; and, honestly, I don’t think I’ve been one of the worst. But now I must cut myself free from all that. My sons are growing up; for their sake I must try and win back as much respect as I can in the town. This post in the Bank was like the first step up for me–and now your husband is going to kick me downstairs again into the mud.
Nora. But you must believe me, Mr. Krogstad; it is not in my power to help you at all.
Krogstad. Then it is because you haven’t the will; but I have means to compel you.
(a) Krogstad asks four questions just before this excerpt. Which are they?
(b) For what reasons has Krogstad visited Nora? Refer to what happens in the excerpt and in the rest of the play.
(c) 'I was right in what I thought, then.' What do you think Krogstad thought?
(d) Describe two character traits of Nora as brought out in the excerpt.
(e) Rewrite the sentences according to the instructions given after each without changing their meanings.
i. If you speak slightingly of my husband, I shall turn you out of the house.
Use: Unless…
ii. So it seems.
supply a question tag
(f) Highlight two themes evident in this excerpt.
(g) Then it is because you haven’t the will; but I have means to compel you.” How does Krogstad plan to force Nora to talk to her husband?
(h) Write a word with the same meaning as each of the following words as used in the excerpt.
i. Necessity
ii. Pleaded
iii. Influence
Date posted: October 8, 2019. Answers (1)
- i) “Can I serve you with lemonade?”(Solved)
Change the following sentences into reported speech
i) “Can I serve you with lemonade?”
ii) “Why did the politician make such a statement in public?”
iii) “Go and collect all the used apparatus.”
Date posted: October 7, 2019. Answers (1)
- i) Yesterday I met a beautiful girl. I had never met her before.(Solved)
Join the following sentences using a relative pronoun:
i) Yesterday I met a beautiful girl. I had never met her before.
ii) Mrs. Hart left her baby with a neighbor. She could rely on the neighbor.
iii) Munyao started three projects last year. He has completed two of them
Date posted: October 7, 2019. Answers (1)
- Rewrite the following sentences according to instructions given after each. Do not change the meaning(Solved)
Rewrite the following sentences according to instructions given after each. Do not change the meaning
i) My grandmother could not cultivate her shamba anymore
She realized how old she had become. (Rewrite as one sentence beginning: Not…)
ii) Some pupils are not used to hardwork. (End with…hard).
iii) As Marion was walking to the bus stop, a thief snatched her handbag. (Begin: Walking…..)
Date posted: October 7, 2019. Answers (1)
- CORPORAL: Well, here she is. What did I tell you? What a nose I have! I smelt her. Lady, I have a question for you....(Solved)
Read the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow.
CORPORAL: Well, here she is. What did I tell you? What a nose I have! I smelt her. Lady, I have a question for you. Why did you run away? What did you think I would do to you? I’ll bet it was something unchaste. Confess!
GRUSHA (while the PEASANT WOMAN bows again and again.): I’d left some milk on the stove, and I suddenly remembered it.
CORPORAL: Or maybe you imagined I looked at you unchastely? Like there could be something between us? A carnal glance, know what I mean?
GRUSHA: I didn’t see it.
COPORAL: But it’s possible, huh? You admit that much. After all, I might be a pig. I’ll be frank with you: I could think of all sorts of things if we were alone. (To the PEASANT WOMAN:) Shouldn’t you be busy in the yard? Feeding the hens?
PEASANT WOMAN (falling suddenly to her knees): Soldier, I didn’t know a thing about it. Please don’t burn the roof over our heads.
CORPORAL: What are you talking about?
PEASANT WOMAN: I had nothing to do with it. She left it on my doorstep, I swear it!
CORPORAL (suddenly seeing the CHILD and whistling): Ah, so there’s a little something in the crib! Blockhead, I smell a thousand piasters. Take the old girl outside and hold on to her. It looks like I have a little cross-examining to do. (The PEASANT WOMAN lets herself be led out by the PRIVATE, without a word.) So, you’ve got the child I wanted from you! (He walks toward the crib).
GRUSHA: Officer, he’s mine. He’s not the one you’re after.
CORPORAL: I’ll just take a look. (He bends over the crib)
GRUSHA looks round in despair.
GRUSHA: He’s mine! He’s mine!
CORPORAL: Fine linen!
GRUSHA dashes at him to pull him away. He throws her off and again bends over the crib. Again looking round in despair, she sees a log of wood, seizes it, and hits the CORPORAL over the head from behind. The CORPORAL collapses. She quickly picks up the CHILD and rushes off.
And in her flight from the Ironshirts
After twenty-two days of journeying
At the foot of the Janga-Tau Glacier
Grusha Vashnazde decided to adopt the child.
The helpless girl adopted the helpless child.
GRUSHA squats over a half-frozen stream to get the CHILD water in the hollow of her hand.
a) What happens immediately before this excerpt?
b) What does the corporal mean by… ‘I bet it was something unchaste...?’
c) ‘Fine linen!’ Explain the implication of this statement.
d) Explain two aspects of Grusha’s character that save the child.
e) Identify and explain the dominant stylistic device employed by the author in this extract.
f) How does the statement ‘The helpless girl adopted the helpless child’ highlight Grusha’s plight?
g) In what way does Grusha’s statement ‘He’s mine! He’s mine!’ foreshadow the events that occur later in the play?
h) ‘It looks as if I have a little cross-examining to do’ (Begin: From…)
i) Discuss one theme evident in this excerpt.
Date posted: October 7, 2019. Answers (1)
- The waste of time and resources would have been avoided if they had considered a career that did not require the ability to handle Mathematics...(Solved)
Re-write the following sentence according to the instructions given.
The waste of time and resources would have been avoided if they had considered a career that did not require the ability to handle Mathematics and Physics well (begin If…)
Date posted: October 7, 2019. Answers (1)
- The career market is full of opportunities. Gone are the days when we had ‘either… or’ career choices.(Solved)
Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow
Choosing a career
The career market is full of opportunities. Gone are the days when we had ‘either… or’ career choices. The times when women, for example, chose between only nursing, teaching and secretarial work are long gone. The explosion in communication technology, and the liberalization and globalization of the world economy, has ensured that there is no longer a dearth of career choices. Today, colleges and Universities offer a wide range of training opportunities to high school graduates. This has made choosing a career an involving process. It has also given rise to the need for career counselling.
When choosing a career, whether you have the help of a career counselor or not, there are several factors that you should consider. These include your abilities or talents, your interests, your priorities and the available opportunities in the job market.
The skills required in a particular career and the ability to gain them through education must be considered when choosing careers. Becoming a doctor, for instance, requires extensive education and training, and many years of educational commitment. In addition to the compulsory subjects, the academic background required for this career is good grades in chemistry and biology at secondary school level. If your ability in these subjects is just average, you would be overstretching your luck to enroll for a Bachelor of Medicine degree course. In the past, students have chosen to pursue training in engineering, even when their ability to handle physics and mathematics was low. This, in many cases, has made them drop out of the class mid-course. The waste of time and resources would have been avoided if they had considered a career that did not require the ability to handle mathematics and physics well.
There are times when people have been driven to choose a particular career because of the salary and prestige associated with jobs in this field. At times, the desire to take certain courses comes from within the individual, but most times, individuals feel pressured by peers or family to take certain courses. Joining a career in which you have no interest in is a recipe for all dull life since you will spend more of your working hours doing something you do not like. Your career does not necessarily have to be your passion, but it should not bore you to death either. You can work out your interests by identifying the subjects you enjoy most at school, or the topics that are of interest to you and for which you take the initiative to read on your own.
It is true that many young people are attracted more by the social mobility that the job might provide than by their interest in the career. However, research has found that money does not play as big a role in job satisfaction as many people think. Of course we all have to make a living, but if you do not like your job, it does not matter how much you get paid to do it. What does matter is how well a career choice matches your values.
i) What has created the necessity for career counselling?
ii) Why is one’s ability an important factor in career choice?
iii) Why do you think the writer cites engineering in the passage?
iv) According to the passage which career should a person who values variety choose?
v) Make notes on the importance of knowing the availability of jobs in the career field one wants to join.
vi) What evidence is given in the passage to support the statement “Money does not play a big role in job satisfaction?”
vii) Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the passage.
a) Liberalization
b) Dearth
c) Social mobility
d) Collaboration
Date posted: October 7, 2019. Answers (1)
- Fill in the gap with an adjective formed from one of the words in the sentence.
At first we thought the car was………………………………………… but the mechanic...(Solved)
Fill in the gap with an adjective formed from one of the words in the sentence.
At first we thought the car was………………………………………… but the mechanic assured us that he could repair it.
Date posted: October 7, 2019. Answers (1)
- Rewrite the following sentences replacing the underlined words with one word.
i. Read each question with a lot of care.
ii. He looked towards the east and...(Solved)
Rewrite the following sentences replacing the underlined words with one word.
i. Read each question with a lot of care.
ii. He looked towards the east and saw the approaching car.
Date posted: October 7, 2019. Answers (1)
- Rewrite the following sentences placing the word in brackets after each in the most appropriate position.
i. Jane could tell the difference between Paul and Peter....(Solved)
Rewrite the following sentences placing the word in brackets after each in the most appropriate position.
i. Jane could tell the difference between Paul and Peter. (Hardly)
ii. Paul wanted to chat her up. (Merely)
Date posted: October 7, 2019. Answers (1)
- Complete each of the following sentences using the appropriate interrogative pronoun.i. ………………………………………..did you meet on your way?ii. . …………………………………………girl do you prefer,...(Solved)
Complete each of the following sentences using the appropriate interrogative pronoun.
i. ………………………………………..did you meet on your way?
ii. . …………………………………………girl do you prefer, Jane or Joyce?
Date posted: October 7, 2019. Answers (1)
- Correct the following sentences.
i. I know for who bought the book.
ii. The set of books which was donated prove invaluable.(Solved)
Correct the following sentences.
i. I know for who bought the book.
ii. The set of books which was donated prove invaluable.
Date posted: October 7, 2019. Answers (1)
- Combine the following sentences.
i.Teachers prepare their students adequately.
They care about them.
ii.This is the rat.
It ate the grain.(Solved)
Combine the following sentences.
i.Teachers prepare their students adequately.
They care about them.
ii.This is the rat.
It ate the grain.
Date posted: October 7, 2019. Answers (1)
- Kaana ka nikora koona koiakoora
i. Identify the above genre?
ii. What is the dominant style in the genre above?
iii. Of what educational value is the...(Solved)
Kaana ka nikora koona koiakoora
i. Identify the above genre?
ii. What is the dominant style in the genre above?
iii. Of what educational value is the genre above?
iv. From your understanding of Oral Literature, give your own example of the genre above. Present it in English.
Date posted: October 7, 2019. Answers (1)
- If you want honey, be prepared for stings.
i.Identify the above genre.
ii. What is the message in the above statement?
iii. State the function of...(Solved)
If you want honey, be prepared for stings.
i.Identify the above genre.
ii. What is the message in the above statement?
iii. State the function of the genre above.
iv. State an example of the genre above.
Date posted: October 7, 2019. Answers (1)
GUEST :( seeing and shrieking): Good God! Jussup!
Everyone leaps up in alarm. The women rush to the door. GRUSHA, still on her knees, turns around...(Solved)
GUEST :( seeing and shrieking): Good God! Jussup!
Everyone leaps up in alarm. The women rush to the door. GRUSHA, still on her knees, turns around and stares at the man.
PEASANT: A funeral supper! You’d enjoy that, wouldn’t you? Get out before I throw you out! (As the guests stampede from the house, gloomily to (GRUSHA ;) I’ve upset the apple cart, huh? (Receiving no answer, he turns round and takes a cake from the pan which his mother is holding.)
SINGER: O confusion! The wife discovers she has a husband. By day there’s the child, by night there’s the husband. The lover is on his way both day and night. Husband and wife look at each other. The bedroom is small. Near the bed the PEASANT is sitting in a high wooden bathtub, naked, the
MOTHERN-LAW: is pouring water from a pitcher. Opposite
GRUSHA: Cowers with MICHAEL, who is playing at mending straw mats.
PEASANT: (to his mother): That’s her work, not yours. Where’s she hiding out now?
MOTHER-IN-LAW: (calling): Grusha! T--he peasant wants you
GRUSHA (to MICHAEL): There are still two holes to mend.
PEASANT (When GRUSHA approaches): scrub my back!
GRUSHA: Can’t the peasant do it himself?
PEASANT: “Can’t the peasant do himself?” Get the brush! To hell with you! Are you the wife here? Or are
you a visitor? (To the MOTHER-IN-LAW:) It’s too cold!
MOTHER-IN-LAW: I’ll run for hot water.
GRUSHA: Let me go.
PEASANT: You stay here. (The MOTHER-IN-LAW exits.) Rub harder. And no shirking.
GRUSHA stops scrubbing him, starts back. Enter the MOTHER IN-LAW.)
PEASANT: A nice thing you’ve saddled me with! A simpleton for a wife!
a) A funeral supper? You’d enjoy that, would you? Get out before I throw you out! Briefly explain the circumstances that have lead to this utterance.
b) Who and where is the lover mentioned in this extract?
c) Why is the bedroom said to be small?
d) Describe the peasant and Grusha’s character in the extract
e) Make notes on how Grusha comes by the child mentioned in the extract.
f) Comment on the effectiveness of the following diction in context.
I’ve upset the apple cart, huh?
‘A nice thing you’ve saddled me with’
g) What conclusions can you draw about the society portrayed in this extract?
h) ‘Where’s she hiding out now? Asked the peasant. Rewrite in reported speech.
i) Identify the mood at the beginning of this excerpt.
Date posted: October 7, 2019. Answers (1)
- Re-write correcting the part of the student in the conversation to make it an acceptable interaction
between a teacher and a student(Solved)
Re-write correcting the part of the student in the conversation to make it an acceptable interaction
between a teacher and a student
Student : Where is Mr. Ketu?
Teacher : I am sorry, he is not in, how can I help you?
Student : No, you can’t. I want Mr. Maina (shouting).
Teacher : It is unfortunate that you are turning out to be rude. Please leave the staffroom.
Student : But am not rude, it is urgent!
Teacher : If I can’t assist you, kindly leave the staffroom.
Student : (shouting out) It is okey
Date posted: October 7, 2019. Answers (1)