Which factors contributed to the development of trade between different communities in the interior of Kenya by 1800?


Explain five factors which contributed to the development of trade between different communities in the interior of Kenya by 1800.



1. External demand for goods found in the interior such as ivory and leopard skins stimulated trade between different communities

2. Existence of well developed local trade provided a base for the development inter-community trade

3. Demand for foreign goods in the interior such as clothes and beads led to inter community trade

4. Existence of cordial relations between communities contributed to development of trade

5. Skills learnt from other tribes

6. Uneven distribution of resources such as iron ore and salt created a demand for goods by communities that did not produce them

7. Production of surplus commodities by some communities encouraged them to look for markets
johnmulu answered the question on January 30, 2017 at 07:52

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