i) with
ii) of
iii) with
iv) at
Kavungya answered the question on October 9, 2019 at 06:45
- You have been invited to a neighboring school to participate in a debating session. List four things you would do before and during the debate...(Solved)
You have been invited to a neighboring school to participate in a debating session. List four things you would do before and during the debate in order to be effective.
Date posted: October 9, 2019. Answers (1)
- The underlining indicates which word is stressed in the sentences below. Briefly explain what each sentence means.(Solved)
The underlining indicates which word is stressed in the sentences below. Briefly explain what each sentence means.
i) We borrowed this book.
ii) We borrowed this book.
iii) We borrowed this book.
iv) We borrowed this book.
Date posted: October 9, 2019. Answers (1)
- A long ago, Hyena married many wives and begot many, many children. When famine broke in...(Solved)
Read the following narrative and answer the questions that follow:
A long ago, Hyena married many wives and begot many, many children. When famine broke in the country, poor hyena found himself facing an enormous task of feeding his extra-ordinarily large family. One day, he lay down and pondered, “what shall I do now? Food is scarce and nobody seems to be prepared to cast away even a morsel for a poor person to console himself with. That is just terrible.”
It so happened in the evening that children crowded around him and started crying: “Father, Father, please father, what shall we eat? We are feeling hungry.” Hyena did not know what to tell the children. Could he tell them the truth, that he himself wouldn’t mind eating one of them if he had a chance of doing so. “Well, well,” he said as he pushed the children aside and turned to his wives. “Come here my women. I am going out hunting. I want you to take care of these children as best as you can. See what you can prepare for tomorrow when I will be away.”
In the morning, Hyena set out to look for some game in distant places. He walked and walked and came to an uncultivated farmland, where people used to dig pitfalls, for ensnaring game. He looked this way and that way and suddenly he chanced to see spoors of various animals around wondering where the diverse spoors led to, he put out his vicious snout and sniffed the air hungrily, thinking aloud, “I won’t miss a bagging prey for my family today. Then he stooped down and screamed hungrily, Hmmmh”.
All of a sudden, he made a quick turn about and trotted to the other end of the field. He stopped for a bit and when he looked around again, he saw to his delight a buck trying to hide himself from his sight. Hyena made a fast leap at the buck but the buck bolted and raced for his life. Hyena ran, and ran and ran, but he could not catch up with the nimble buck. Accidentally, he tripped and fell head long into a pit, giving such a yell that one would have thought that the world was coming to an end. He kept on yelling and screaming for help. “wooooi – woi – woi! Waai! – wai! – wai! Brother come back….. please come back and help me out! I assure you I did not mean to catch you………please come back……come back! What will my children eat today, please hee-eelp. I am dying. Heeeiii. Heeeeelp!”
The more hyena shouted, the faster the buck ran. Thus hyena remained there, howling and screaming the whole night with nobody around to pull him out of the pit. The following morning he felt hungry and thirsty. The whole farmland was enwrapped in such a thick blanket of mist such that one could not see where to step next. Visibility conditions were such that one could easily push one’s hand into the hyena’s mouth. A baboon came by tiptoeing stealthily. On hearing continuous screams, he hurried to the snare to see who was shouting for help. He peered into the pit and Lo! He saw the hyena trapped below. As soon as hyena saw him, he screamed louder. Brother baboon, help, heee-eeelp……. Please help! I am trapped here please pull me out. Baboon turned round and squatted on the edge of the pit, letting his tail dangle below to Hyena and said, “Brother Hyena, you hold tight on my tail now and I will pull you out.”
Hyena got hold of the tail and Baboon tugged and tugged, until he managed to tow him out of the pit fall. But as soon as Hyena came to the surface, he turned to Baboon and said, “Brother Baboon, I have finished one whole day in this hole without eating anything at all. This was going to be my second day. I have no way out but eat you so as to survive.” Baboon was really puzzled. He started struggling frantically with Hyena, pleading, “please brother Hyena, show mercy on me. Please let me go for the help I have given you? Hyena said firmly, “No!” And when Baboon insisted on talking to him, Hyena warned, “each moment that passes while we talk makes me hungrier. I have said “No” and I won’t let you go.” All right said baboon. “I will let you eat me on condition that by doing so, you don’t endager your own life. You may care to know that unless you take me by the tail and smash me against the tree, I will scream so hard and loud that the whole Baboon world will be alarmed and come to my aid before you eat me in which case you would be the loser. Brother Hyena take my word for it!” Hyena thought about Baboon’s words for a moment and then said sarcastically; “All right I agree with your suggestion.
In any case, whichever way I eat, you would still go down my throat. Come on then, bring your tail such so as to smash your shaggy head against the tree.” Baboon turned round and grasped him on the tail. No sooner was he swung high in the air than he slipped out of Hyena’s hand and leapt onto the tree, climbing high up to the top. By that time the mist was clearing away.
Looking down below, Baboon said to hyena, “Now you can tell me, where is your gratitude, brother Hyena?” Hyena got very angry and gnashed his teeth saying, “If you cannot come down voluntarily so that I may eat you, I will cut down this tree with my teeth!”
Luckily, Baboon saw a tortoise walking past and shouted, brother Hyena, behold there comes the judge of the animals kingdom! Please call him here so that he may come and give his opinion on our case.
There upon, Hyena hailed Tortoise to come and settle the dispute between himself and baboon. When the tortoise came, Baboon said to him, “I found Brother Hyena stranded in a pitfall over there, then when I asked him what was wrong, he told me that he had been trapped in the snare for one full day. I gave him my tail to hold onto and I managed to pull him out of the hole.
Now, tell me your worship, is it a sign of gratitude for him to say that he will eat me by all means, even if it would mean cutting down this tree with his teeth? Tortoise considered Baboon’s submission for a while and then said, “come with me Brother Hyena. Let us go and see the pitfall in which you were trapped when baboon found you.” Thus Hyena led tortoise to the pit-fall and when they got there, tortoise said, “Brother Hyena, put your head into the hole so that I can see how difficult it must have been for you to come out.”
As soon as Hyena stooped into the mouth of the pit-fall, tortoise pushed him down, and he plunged headlong right to the bottom, leaving Hyena still struggling frantically in the pitfall. Tortoise went to Baboon and said, “Brother Baboon, you can come downward go your way. Hyena will help himself out of that pit fall.”
a)Classify this narrative.
b)Discuss one character trait for each of the following animals.
i) Hyena
ii) Baboon
iii) Tortoise
c)Illustrate three (3) story telling devices adopted in this narrative.
d)Identify any two economic activities carried out by the community from which this narrative has been drawn.
e)Define the following terms as used in orature.
i) Transcription
ii) Translation
f)State any three oral narration characteristics that would be lost by writing this narrative.
g)Give the moral lesson learnt out of this narrative.
h)Suppose you went to the field to collect the above narrative, mention any three (3) problems you are likely to encounter.
Date posted: October 9, 2019. Answers (1)
- Fill in each blank space in the passage below with the most appropriate word.(Solved)
Fill in each blank space in the passage below with the most appropriate word.
Girls and their families may find little 1 .... to the attend school if they are 2 ....that girls are of 3 ...value than boys on if they are tracked 4 .... fields of study on how low paid occupations considered 5 ...... for women. Studies shows that in Africa, Asia and the middle East, women are 6 .... portrayed as subordinate and passive 7 .... men are shown as displaying intelligence leadership and dominance. Many developing countries 8 .....practice gender streaming in secondary schools directing girl 9 ....from Maths and Science. Teaching 10 .....such as giving boys more opportunities to ask and answer questions may further discourage girls.
Date posted: October 9, 2019. Answers (1)
- Choose the correct form of adjectives in brackets to fill in blank spaces.
Choose the correct form of adjectives in brackets to fill in blank spaces.
i) The weather today is ...........than yesterday’s. (forbidding)
ii) This is the........... student in this class. (timid)
iii) I could do with a ........... brush; this one is worn out. (fine)
iv) Which is the cake with the ........... sugar? (little)
v) Is this one really as ........... as that one? (bad)
Date posted: October 9, 2019. Answers (1)
- Most people neglect how stylish headboards can change the overall look of their bedrooms. The expensive...(Solved)
Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.
Most people neglect how stylish headboards can change the overall look of their bedrooms. The expensive dressing table with elaborate carvings, the awesome chandelier or the unique wall art will create a style statement in your room but will not offer the real glam.
If your bed doesn’t have one, it is time to consider the option as it offers a finishing touch to the bed. For those who already have, they can consider updating them to create an interesting focal point. There are limitless ideas available and the only thing that could limit you is the size of the wall behind the top of your bed and, of course, your imagination.
Here are a few ideas of creating unique headboards;
•If you already have one, consider reupholstering it with new fabric. Fortunately, you can get affordable fabric in the local stores. For a wooden headboard, paint it a lively colour to excite the space.
•Create a headboard by hanging a beautiful quilt, rug or carpet above your bed to add colour, texture and pattern to your space. The best places to find a unique quilt are mitumba (secondhand) shops.
•Use a beautiful curtain rod to hang a curtain fabric above the wall to create a backdrop, which will serve as a headboard. Using fabric for the headboard adds warmth and cosiness to the bedroom. Ensure the fabric is an interesting colour with beautiful patterns to add style to the room.
•A bookshelf can also make a great headboard. Paint it any colour you fancy and you have a beautiful space to store materials you love reading at night.
•For your child’s room, a black-board headboard will work well. Create one on the wall using blackboard paint to paint the inside area and moulding to finish the outside edges. Leave sweet messages for your children to wake up to everyday.
•A gigantic artwork or wall mural can also make for a headboard. The width of the painting should be lesser or equal to the width of the bed for aesthetic perfection.
•Construct a wooden frame then cover it with a fabric that you love. Put some padding beneath the fabric before you staple it to the frame; and there you have a headboard.
•Create an arrangement of framed photos grouping them by size, theme or frame colour. This will create an illusion of a headboard.
•If your bedroom is small, a mirror or mirrors, will make an ideal headboard. Use one mirror in a unique shape or arrange many to create a special glow.
The choice is yours: You don’t have to run around looking for a headboard. All you need is a bit of creativity and the zest to try things differently.
(Adapted from standard on Sunday; Eve woman P.5)
a)State two ways of making a bedroom look stylish.
b)Why should one consider having all the items to make their bedrooms stylish?
c)What factors could hinder one from acquiring headboards?
d)Describe how one would refurbish old headboards
e)Rewrite the sentence below and add a question tag at the end.
Most people reflect how stylish headboards can change the overall look of their bedrooms.
f)What are the advantages of a headboard made of fabric?
g)How can one use a headboard beneficially to expand knowledge?
h)In point form, describe how one would make a wooden headboard covered with fabric.
i)Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the passage.
b)Colour you fancy
c)The zest to
d)To excite the space
Date posted: October 9, 2019. Answers (1)
- Use the verbs in the box, in the correct simple present tense form to fill in the gaps in the sentences.(Solved)
Use the verbs in the box, in the correct simple present tense form to fill in the gaps in the sentences.

i) Mary is always smart because she neatly ......... her uniform.
ii) The forest ............ what we say.
iii) Tyson .......... very well and wins all his contests.
iv) Jane ............ French fries to her children every evening.
v) The preacher ............... to worship every day.
Date posted: October 9, 2019. Answers (1)
- Read the following paragraph and indicate the word class (parts of speech) of the underlined words in the spaces provided.(Solved)
Read the following paragraph and indicate the word class (parts of speech) of the underlined words in the spaces provided.
The late professor Wangari Mathaai is one of Kenya’s most celebrated women. A lot can be said about what she did but the most outstanding achievement was winning the Nobel peace prize in 2004. This made her the first Kenyan as well as the first African woman to win the coveted prize.
Date posted: October 9, 2019. Answers (1)
- The following is a riddling session. In each space, indicate the name of the stage.(Solved)
The following is a riddling session. In each space, indicate the name of the stage.
Abby: Riddle, Riddle
Bob: Riddle come
Abby: My house has no door
Bob: A stone
Abby: Not correct.
Bob: An orange
Abby: No Give me a prize.
Bob: I give you London city.
Abby: Thank you. And the correct answer is an egg.
Date posted: October 9, 2019. Answers (1)
- Underline the odd one out according to the pronunciation of letters ‘S’(Solved)
Underline the odd one out according to the pronunciation of letters ‘S’
i) Set one (helps, cooks, lanes, pigs )
ii) Set two ( consul, unsure, censure, insult)
Date posted: October 9, 2019. Answers (1)
- Write the silent letter.(Solved)
Write the silent letter.
i) Guilt
ii) Asthma
iii) Drastically
iv) Buffet
v) Condemn
Date posted: October 9, 2019. Answers (1)
- Provide homophones for the following words.(Solved)
Provide homophones for the following words.
i) Serial
ii) Mail
iii) Gorilla
iv) Profit
v) Cent
Date posted: October 9, 2019. Answers (1)
- Fill in the blank spaces with the most appropriate words.(Solved)
Fill in the blank spaces with the most appropriate words.
Praise songs are songs....1...describe the ....2....qualities that some individuals or possessions such as cattle....3..., and which put them above others....4... praise songs use ....5... to describe qualities that ....6.... those praised above those who are just ....7.... Those praised in the song are usually ....8... to animals that are revered for their positive qualities ....9..... bravely, gracefulness and wisdom. Kings, chiefs, warriors and famous medicine men/women are the....10.... of most praise songs.
Date posted: October 9, 2019. Answers (1)
- Fill in the blanks with the suitable prepositions.(Solved)
Fill in the blanks with the suitable prepositions.
i) Students eat ugali ....... Fridays.
ii) The weather keeps changing .......time to time.
Date posted: October 9, 2019. Answers (1)
- Rewrite the following sentences changing them into the passive form.(Solved)
Rewrite the following sentences changing them into the passive form.
i) Mr. Mote is teaching Mathematics.
ii) The young girl moved the table.
iii) The teacher will supervise exams
Date posted: October 9, 2019. Answers (1)
- Rearrange the adjectives in the following sentences in the correct order to describe the italicized nouns.(Solved)
Rearrange the adjectives in the following sentences in the correct order to describe the italicized nouns.
i) The band performed their ...... song. (reggae, new ,exciting)
ii) They saw an ...........baboon. (old, ugly,Congolese)
Date posted: October 9, 2019. Answers (1)
- Use the relative pronouns which,who or whose to join each pair of the sentences below.(Solved)
Use the relative pronouns which,who or whose to join each pair of the sentences below.
i) I do not know the name of the student. The student gave away my spoon.
ii) The teacher has recovered completely. The teacher’s leg was broken on sports day.
iii) Do you know a shop .......sells good bags?
Date posted: October 9, 2019. Answers (1)
- Place a stress mark or underline the syllables that make the following words to be nouns.(Solved)
Place a stress mark or underline the syllables that make the following words to be nouns.
i) Reject
ii) Contest
Date posted: October 9, 2019. Answers (1)
- Indicate intonation in the following sentences. Write F and R against each sentence to represent falling and rising intonation respectively.(Solved)
Indicate intonation in the following sentences. Write F and R against each sentence to represent falling and rising intonation respectively.
i) Who was shouting at the back of the classroom?
ii) Is it raining?
Date posted: October 9, 2019. Answers (1)
- Read the following poem then answer the questions that follow.(Solved)
Read the following poem then answer the questions that follow.
Like buds too wonderful to name,
Each miracle unfolds,
And Catherine-wheels begin to flame
Like a whirling marigolds
Rockets and Roman candles make
An orchard of the sky,
Whence magic trees their petals shake
Upon each gazing eye
i) What is the rhyme scheme of this poem?
ii) Using a vivid example, explain how rhythm has been achieved in this poem.
Date posted: October 9, 2019. Answers (1)