Explain how each of the following serves as evidence of organic evolution (i) Fossil records (ii) Comparative antinomy (iii) Geographical distribution


Explain how each of the following serves as evidence of organic evolution

(i) Fossil records

(ii) Comparative antinomy

(iii) Geographical distribution



Fossil records /paleontology

Fossils are remains of organisms that became preserved in naturally occurring materials many years ago; They show morphological charges of organisms over a long period of time

Callparative anatomy;

Organisms have common embryonic origin; but structures become modified differently to perform different functions; those are called homologous structures other have different embryous origin but structures become modified and adapt in the same environments thus perform similar functions such structures are called analogous structures; others have become reduced in size dug to disuse in the environment; these are called vestigial structures

Geographical distribution

Presents continents are thought to have been one large land mess (pangea); as a result of continental drift; isolation occurred bringing about different patterns of evolution; of related organisms e.g. llamcis in the amazon resemble the camel;
Acc ;Jaguars ,panthecs with their counter parts.
marto answered the question on October 9, 2019 at 08:03

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