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Name the following compounds (i) CH3CH2CH2COOH


Name the following compounds




b) Two types of detergents P and Q can be represented as


(i) Identify each type of the detergent.

(ii) Which of the two detergents is the best to use with hard water? Give a reason.

(iii) State one advantage of detergent P.

(iv) State one disadvantage of detergent Q.

(c) An hydrocarbon can be represented as follows.


(i) Identify the hydrocarbon

(ii) Name two reagents that can reacted together to generate the hydrocarbon



(i) Butanoic acid
(ii) 2,5 _ dibromo -4-methylpent-1,3-diene
(iii)Enthyl propanoate

P-soapy detergent
Q – soaplesss detergent

(ii) Q – does not form scum with hard water or it lathers easily
(iii)It is biodegradable
(iv) It is non-biodegradable hence pollutes the environment

(i) Ethene
(ii) Ethanol and concentrated sulphuric (VI) acid

marto answered the question on October 11, 2019 at 10:51

Next: The setup below was used to separate two miscible liquids Q and T (Boling points; Q =98° C, T=78°C)
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